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manual:user_guide:geocaching:gc_in_locus [2022/04/07 10:39] – external edit [2023/06/01 15:12] (current) – [Context menu] mstupka
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 ===== About ===== ===== About =====
-  * **Locus Map** handles geocaches as a category of **points** - each has its name, coordinates, description plus further specific parameters like cache code, difficulty, terrain, size etc.\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:geocaching:geocaching.png?nolink |}}\\  +  * **Locus Map** handles geocaches as a category of **[[manual:user_guide:points:about|points]]** - each has its name, coordinates, description plus further specific parameters like cache code, difficulty, terrain, size etc.\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:geocaching:geocaching.jpg?nolink |}} 
-  * Geocaches must be **imported** to Locus Map first. The import is processed by [[manual:user_guide:add-ons|Locus add-ons]] or cooperating applications. Afterwards geocaches are **displayed above the map as specific icons** (when the option is checked during the import), **stored into folders** and groups as other points and can be managed in the Points tab of the Data manager. See more in **[[manual:user_guide:geocaching:import|Import of Geocaches >>]]**\\ \\  +  * Geocaches can use all the features related to points - you can **[[manual:user_guide:points:management|manage]]** them (store them in folders, sort them, filter, copy...), you can **[[manual:user_guide:points:management#tools|share]]** them, you can **[[manual:user_guide:functions:navigation:point-to-point|navigate]]** to them, **[[manual:user_guide:functions:guidance#guidance_to_a_point|guide]]** to them on the map or by the compass, or include them in your **[[manual:user_guide:tracks:planning#add_your_own_points|planned routes]]** 
-  * **Geocaches details** can be then opened by tapping their labels either on the map or in their folders\\ \\  +  * Then there is a wide range of **[[manual:user_guide:geocaching:tools|tools and functions]]** for geocachers and makes hunting for geocaches easier and more fun.
-  * Locus Map provides a wide range of **[[manual:user_guide:geocaching:tools|tools and functions]]** for geocachers and makes hunting for geocaches easier and more fun. +
-===== Geocache Map Label ===== +
-After tapping a geocache on the map a label appears.  +
-{{ :manual:user_guide:geocaching:geocaching2.png?nolink |}} +
-The label is similar to that of a common point but there is quite a lot of additional information: +
-  * **D**- 5-star scale of difficulty to find the geocache +
-  * **T** - 5-star scale of terrain difficulty +
-  * **W** - number of waypoints +
-  * **TR** - number of trackables dropped here (displayed only to Premium members, others see TR 0) +
-  * **S** - 5-grade scale of the geocache box size +
-  * {{:manual:user_guide:ic_symbol_distance_alt.png?nolink&30|}} distance to the cache from your actual GPS position (or from the cursor your position is not centered) +
-  * last 5 logs status - in case you downloaded logs+
-{{:manual:user_guide:ic_arrow_simple_right_alt.png?nolink&30|}} **more options** menu contains+===== Import ===== 
-  * {{:manual:user_guide:ic_hint_alt.png?nolink&30|}}**Hint** buttonopening box with tools menu:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:geocaching:geocaching7.png?nolink |}}\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:geocaching:geocaching8.png?nolink |}}\\ You can encrypt/decrypt the hint, copy it to clipboard or let it translate by any installed translating app/service + 
-  * {{:manual:user_guide:ic_gc_waypoints_alt.png?nolink&30|}}**Load all waypoints** - appears only when the cache contains waypoints - it displays them all on map +  * Before you can display the geocaches on the map you have to **[[manual:user_guide:points:import|import]]** them to the app. The import is processed by the app, by **[[manual:user_guide:add-ons|Locus add-ons]]** or cooperating applications. See more details in **[[manual:user_guide:geocaching:import|Import of Geocaches >>]]**. 
-  * {{:manual:user_guide:ic_field_notes_alt.png?nolink&30|}}**Log** buttonopening a Log side panel menu:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:geocaching:geocaching9.png?nolink |}}\\ **Log your visit** - you can log your visit online to**Upload field note** - uploads a previously created offline log to **Store offline** - starts the **[[manual:user_guide:geocaching:tools#geocaching_tools1|Logs manager]]** to create an offline log for future uploading +===== Geocache detail panel ===== 
-  the rest is common for all kinds of points - [[manual:user_guide:functions:navigation|Navigate to]], [[manual:user_guide:functions:guidance|Guide on]][[manual:user_guide:tools:gps|Compass]] and Hide (removes the point from map) +The imported geocaches are stored in a selected folder of the **[[manual:user_guide:points:management|point manager]]** or **displayed on the map**. After tapping a geocache in both a panel with its detailed info slides up.\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:geocaching:geocaching2.jpg?nolink |}} 
-===== Geocache Folder Screen ===== +The panel is similar to that of a common point but there is quite a lot of additional information and tool buttons: 
-Looks and offers the same controls as an ordinary [[manual:user_guide:points:management#points_folder|point folder screen]] except a few more options: +  * **Difficulty**- 5-star scale of difficulty to find the geocache 
-==== Sorting menu ==== +  * **Terrain** - 5-star scale of terrain difficulty 
-Contains a rich choice of geocache parameters to sort by:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:geocaching:geocaching10.png?nolink |}}\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:geocaching:geocaching11.png?nolink |}}\\  +  * **Quality/GCVote** - user rating of the geocache 
-==== Filtering menu ====+  * **Logs** - icons of the last five geocache logs - the category can be maximized to a detached box with details 
 +  * **Favorites** - number of users who marked the geocache as their favorite 
 +  * **Size** - a 5-grade scale of the geocache box size 
 +  * **Trackables** - number of trackables dropped here (displayed only to Premium members, others see TR 0) - the category can be maximized to a detached box with details 
 +  * **Waypoints** - number of waypoints connected to the geocache - the category can be maximized to a detached box with details 
 +When you scroll the panel up, more information appears:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:geocaching:geocaching3.jpg?nolink |}} 
 +  * **Attributes** - various preferences of the geocache according to **[[|]].** 
 +  * **Listing** - an excerpt of the geocache listing that can be displayed as a whole. <wrap info>Listing is visible only to Geocaching Premium members</wrap> 
 +  * **Code** - a unique GC code of the geocache. Tapping it displays a couple possible actions:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:geocaching:geocaching5.jpg?nolink |}} 
 +  * **Type** - type according to GC categories - traditionalmulti, mystery... 
 +Another scroll up...\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:geocaching:geocaching4.jpg?nolink |}} 
 +  * **Hidden** - the date when the cache was installed 
 +  * **Updated** - the date of the last cache web update 
 +  * **Owner** - the name of the cache owner - by tapping it you can display the profile or send message:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:geocaching:geocaching6.jpg?nolink |}} 
 +  * **Country** - the state or local region of origin 
 +  * **Folder** - selected folder of the point manager with the cache. Tapping opens the folder detail. 
 +  * **Downloaded** - date of the cache download to Locus 
 +  * **Las updated** - date of the last info update within the app 
 +  * **Coordinates** - geocache lat/lon coords. Long-press copies them into clipboard. 
 +==== Context menu ==== 
 +{{ :manual:user_guide:geocaching:geocaching7.jpg?nolink |}} 
 +  * **Hint** - decrypted hint with tools:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:geocaching:geocaching8.jpg?nolink |}}\\ You can encrypt/decrypt the hint, copy it to clipboard or let it translate by any installed translating app/service 
 +  * **Log visit** - opens the logging menu (details below) 
 +  * **Log trackable** - opens tracking code insert dialog 
 +  * **Notes** - opens the notes dialog - to add notes, load them from the web, etc. 
 +  * **GC Offlinizer** - downloads the geocache's associated images, spoilers etc. for later offline use. <wrap info>Available only with **[[|Premium]]**</wrap>\\ [[manual:user_guide:geocaching:tools#geocaching_offlinizer|More info >>]] 
 +  * **Load all waypoints** - appears only when the cache contains waypoints - it displays them all on the map 
 +  * **Computed** - marks a mystery or multi-cache as computed 
 +==== Tools ==== 
 +The bottom bar of the geocache detail panel contains tools common for all other points - navigation, sharing, info editing and management tools. But also geocache-specific add-on menu:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:geocaching:geocaching9.jpg?nolink |}} 
 +<WRAP center round tip> 
 +Three buttons on the toolbar are configurable as **Quick buttons**. You can place Hint, Log your visit, Notes and Context menu buttons there. See **[[manual:user_guide:geocaching:settings#point_screen|geocaching settings >>]]** 
 +===== Logging ===== 
 +Geocaches can be logged in online or offline. You can trigger both from the geocache context menu:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:geocaching:geocaching10.jpg?nolink |}} 
 +==== Online ==== 
 +There are two possibilities: 
 +  * **Log your visit** - logs your find directly at the website 
 +  * **Upload draft** - you fill in the logging form but the log doesn't list among your findsIt is still available for editing. 
 +==== Offline ==== 
 +  * **Log visit offline** - logs your find within the app for a future upload on the Geocaching web 
 +==== Log screen ==== 
 +All the options above use a unified logging screen:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:geocaching:geocaching11.jpg?nolink |}} 
 +Here you define the type of the log:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:geocaching:geocaching12.jpg?nolink |}} 
 +Then you can add a **comment**define the log **time and date** (it is pre-filled by the actual date), add **images** and log **trackables** (only when logging online) 
 +If you tap **SAVE** on the "Log online" or "Upload draft", the log is stored **offline** on the device for later use. All offline logs are listed in the **[[manual:user_guide:geocaching:tools#geocaching_tools1|Logs manager]]** accessible from the app main menu > All features > Geocaching tools. 
 +===== Managing geocaches ===== 
 +Geocaches are managed the same way as other **[[manual:user_guide:points:management|user points]]** with a few specifics. 
 +==== Folders ==== 
 +A folder with geocaches looks and offers the same controls as an ordinary [[manual:user_guide:points:management#points_folder|point folder]] except a few more options: 
 +==== Sorting ==== 
 +Contains a wide choice of geocache parameters to sort by:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:geocaching:geocaching13.jpg?nolink |}}\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:geocaching:geocaching14.jpg?nolink |}}\\  
 +==== Filtering ==== 
 +**Basic GC filtering** - you can filter geocaches by name, GC code, icon (type), date and distance:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:geocaching:geocaching15.jpg?nolink |}}\\ **Special filtering** offers setting of difficulty, terrain and a lot other parameters and attributes:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:geocaching:geocaching16.jpg?nolink |}}\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:geocaching:geocaching17.jpg?nolink |}}\\ You can display the filtered results on map from the topbar menu. There you can also save filters for the future use in the **filter manager**:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:geocaching:geocaching18.jpg?nolink |}} 
 +==== Tools ==== 
 +{{ :manual:user_guide:geocaching:geocaching19.jpg?nolink |}} 
 +Besides common functions like //Copy/Move/Export/Delete// or //Update elevation// the menu contains several GC-specific features: 
 +  * **Update caches** - updates downloaded caches listings, logs etc. The button is present only if the [[manual:user_guide:geocaching:import#geocaching4locus_add-on|Geocaching4Locus addon]] is installed. 
 +  * **Change icons** - you can change icons of multiple caches by this batch task 
 +  * **GC Offlinizer** - downloads geocaches' associated images, spoilers etc. for later offline use. <wrap info>Available only with **[[|Premium]]**</wrap>[[manual:user_guide:geocaching:tools#geocaching_offlinizer|How to use GC Offlinizer >>]] 
 +  * **Load GCVote** - downloads geocache rating
-**Basic GC filtering** - you can filter geocaches by name, GC code, icon (type) and distance:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:geocaching:geocaching12.png?nolink |}}\\ Special filtering offers setting of difficulty, terrain and a lot other parameters:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:geocaching:geocaching13.png?nolink |}}\\ You can set displaying of the filtered results on map:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:geocaching:geocaching14.png?nolink |}} 
-==== Tools menu ==== 
-{{ :manual:user_guide:geocaching:geocaching5.png?nolink |}} 
-Besides common functions like //Copy/Move/Export/Delete// or //Fill elevation// contains several GC-specific features: 
-  * {{:manual:user_guide:ic_update_alt.png?nolink&30|}}**Update caches** - updates downloaded caches listings, logs etc. The button is present only if the [[manual:user_guide:geocaching:import#geocaching4locus_add-on|Geocaching4Locus addon]] is installed. 
-  * {{:manual:user_guide:ic_gc_offlinizer_alt.png?nolink&30|}}**GC Offlinizer** - downloads geocaches' associated images, spoilers etc. for later offline use. <wrap info>Available only with **[[|Premium]]**</wrap>[[manual:user_guide:geocaching:tools#geocaching_offlinizer|How to use GC Offlinizer >>]] 
-  * {{:manual:user_guide:ic_gc_vote_alt.png?nolink&30|}}**Load GCVote** - downloads geocache rating 
-===== Geocache Detail Screen ===== 
-As was said before, Locus Map handles geocaches as points. Nevertheless, the detail screen of a geocache contains a lot more information and options. The **topbar** displays the **geocache name** and {{:manual:user_guide:ic_geocaching_alt.png?nolink&30|}}**geocaching main menu** button:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:geocaching:geocaching23.png?nolink |}}  
-==== Main Menu ==== 
-{{ :manual:user_guide:geocaching:geocaching24.png?nolink |}} 
-  * {{:manual:user_guide:ic_hint_alt.png?nolink&30|}}**Hint** - displays encrypted geocache hint if there is any and a tools menu that can encrypt/decrypt the hint, save it to clipboard or translate:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:geocaching:geocaching25.png?nolink |}} 
-  * {{:manual:user_guide:ic_field_notes_alt.png?nolink&30|}}**Log visit**:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:geocaching:geocaching9.png?nolink |}}  
-    * //ONLINE// <wrap info>Available only with **[[|Premium]]**</wrap> 
-      * Log your visit - logs your geocache visit online directly to 
-      * Upload field note - uploads a field note under "Your profile - Access Your Field Notes". If it has not been done before may require authorizing your account. 
-    * //OFFLINE// 
-      * Store offline - stores geocache log for later online logging - offline logs are managed in [[manual:user_guide:geocaching:tools#geocaching_tools1|Field notes manager]] 
-  * {{:manual:user_guide:ic_gc_item_trackable_alt.png?nolink&30|}}**Log trackable** - <wrap info>Available only with **[[|Premium]]**</wrap> - logs a trackable item after inserting the tracking code:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:geocaching:geocaching26.png?nolink |}} 
-  * {{:manual:user_guide:ic_edit_alt.png?nolink&30|}}**Notes** - opens an empty socket to enter offline notes. Useful for paperless geocaching - writing down questions of a stage, calculations, formulas, hints etc.:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:geocaching:geocaching27.png?nolink |}} 
-  * {{:manual:user_guide:ic_point_add_alt.png?nolink&30|}}**Add new waypoint** - adds a new waypoint or final coordinates of a multicache. Enables also computing of waypoints coordinates based on distance and azimuth:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:geocaching:geocaching29.png?nolink |}}\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:geocaching:geocaching28.png?nolink |}} 
-  * {{:manual:user_guide:ic_gc_offlinizer_alt.png?nolink&30|}}**GC Offlinizer** - downloads images associated with the geocache, [[manual:user_guide:geocaching:tools#geocaching_offlinizer|more info here >>]]\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:geocaching:geocaching30.png?nolink |}} 
-  * {{:manual:user_guide:ic_calendar_alt.png?nolink&30|}}**Add to calendar** - in case the cache is a geocaching event this option sends it to your calendar. <wrap info>Available only with **[[|Premium]]**</wrap> 
-  * {{:manual:user_guide:abc_btn_check_to_on_mtrl_000.png?nolink&30|}}**Computed** - marks the geocache as computed in case it contains any computing to do - {{:manual:user_guide:gc_computed.png?nolink&30|}} - useful for filtration 
-  * {{:manual:user_guide:ic_www_alt.png?nolink&30|}}**Web page** - shows the geocache detail on 
-  * {{:manual:user_guide:ic_settings_geocaching_alt.png?nolink&30|}}**Settings** - opens [[manual:user_guide:geocaching:settings|geocaching settings screen >>]] 
-==== Basic info tab ==== 
-  * **(1) Map preview** -  tapping it switches into the map screen with the geocache in the middle.\\ \\ {{ :manual:user_guide:geocaching:geocaching3.png?nolink |}}\\  
-  * **(2)** - The map preview can be switched off by tapping an arrow in the bottom right corner. 
-  * **(3) Folder icon and name** - geocache storage information. {{:manual:user_guide:ic_arrow_simple_right_alt.png?nolink&30|}} gets you back to the geocache folder. 
-  * **(4) Coordinates and a new-coords selector switch** - for quick change of the geocache coordinates in case of e.g. mystery cache calculation 
-  * **Geocache** 
-    * //cache code// - unique code linked to corresponding geocache website 
-    * //difficulty// - 5-star scale of difficulty to find the geocache 
-    * //terrain// - 5-star scale of terrain difficulty 
-    * //size// - 5-grade scale of the geocache box size 
-    * //favorites// - number of geocachers who marked the cache as their favorite 
-    * //quality GC Vote// - geocachers' evaluation. {{:manual:user_guide:ic_refresh_alt.png?nolink&30|}} refreshes the status - <wrap info>Available only with **[[|Premium]]**</wrap>\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:geocaching:geocaching15.png?nolink |}} 
-    * //hidden// - date of hiding the geocache 
-    * //updated// - date of the geocache website last update 
-    * //a cache by// - owner of the geocache 
-    * //country// - country where the cache is hidden 
-    * //attributes// - icons fo various cache attributes - availability, special properties etc. 
-    * //description// - geocache description. May be short or longer than listing, it depends on its owner. 
-  * **Details** - information about geocache altitude, azimuth from current position, GPS accuracy, date of geocache import etc. 
-==== Listing tab ==== 
-Contains all information included in the //Listing// part of the geocache website - facts, formulas, images, links, etc. <wrap info>Premium members see mobile-optimized information, basic members full HTML web page (so far)</wrap>:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:geocaching:geocaching16.png?nolink |}} 
-==== Images tab ==== 
-A special tab for displaying geocache related images and their descriptions. Images associated with the geocache are listed here after using **GC Offlinizer**:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:geocaching:geocaching17.png?nolink |}} 
-==== Waypoints tab ==== 
-Contains a list of //geocache waypoints// if there are any. Usually basic caches have no waypoints, multicaches or mystery caches often need to add some:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:geocaching:geocaching18.png?nolink |}} 
-==== Logs tab ==== 
-Contains the geocache logs scroll:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:geocaching:geocaching19.png?nolink |}} 
-==== Trackables tab ==== 
-Contains a list of trackables present in the cache (when there are none, this tab is inactive):\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:geocaching:geocaching20.png?nolink |}}\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:geocaching:geocaching21.png?nolink |}}\\ The trackable item can be logged directly from here <wrap info>Available only with **[[|Premium]]**</wrap>. 
-==== Attachment tab ==== 
-Storage space for geocache attachments - files, images, videos, audio recordings etc.:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:geocaching:geocaching22.png?nolink |}} You can add attachments by tapping the + sign in topbar. 
-==== Bottom action panel ==== 
-  * {{:manual:user_guide:ic_map_alt.png?nolink&30|}} **map switch** - centers the map at the geocache 
-  * {{:manual:user_guide:ic_directions_alt.png?nolink&30|}} **navigation menu**:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:geocaching:geocaching32.png?nolink |}} 
-    * {{:manual:user_guide:ic_directions_alt.png?nolink&30|}} //navigate to// - opens the navigation dialog to calculate route to the geocache. See more in [[manual:user_guide:functions:navigation|Navigation >>]] 
-    * {{:manual:user_guide:ic_guide_on_alt.png?nolink&30|}} //guide on// - starts guiding to the geocache. See more in [[manual:user_guide:functions:guidance|Guidance >>]] 
-    * {{:manual:user_guide:ic_compass_alt.png?nolink&30|}} //compass// - opens the compass screen and starts guiding to the geocache showing its azimuth and distance 
-    * buttons of **3rd party navigation apps** installed in the device (Google Earth, Street View etc.) 
-  *  {{:manual:user_guide:ic_share_alt.png?nolink&30|}} **share/geocaching add-on menu**:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:geocaching:geocaching31.png?nolink |}}\\  
-    * {{:manual:user_guide:ic_share_alt.png?nolink&30|}}**Share** button opening point-specific **[[manual:user_guide:functions:share|share menu]]**:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:geocaching:geocaching33.png?nolink |}}.  
-    * menu of [[manual:user_guide:geocaching:import#Geocaching4Locus|Geocaching4Locus]] add-on: 
-    * //update cache// - reloads the cache data 
-    * //download logs// - downloads geocache logs 
-    * //nearest caches// - opens Geocaching4Locus dialog to define the range and number of geocaches to download 
-  * {{:manual:user_guide:ic_arrow_simple_up_alt.png?nolink&30|}}**other tools menu** - editing, copying, moving, hiding, exporting and deleting of the geocache 
manual/user_guide/geocaching/gc_in_locus.1649320776.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/04/07 10:39 by