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Akzeptierte Zahlungsmethoden

Locus Map Pro can be purchased on Google Play Store or Amazon Appstore. Also, the in-app purchases in the Locus Store are processed by the services of these vendors. Both Google and Amazon have their own individual terms of purchase. The accepted payment methods vary according to the country of the purchase:

Google Play Store

Amazon Appstore

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Google and Amazon accounts are not connected so purchase on one of them can't be swapped or otherwise transferred to the other. Darüber hinaus gilt die Amazon-Richtlinie von Alle Verkäufe endgültig means no refunds in case you want to return the purchased app.

Google provides up to a one-year money-back guarantee.

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manuelle/faq/accepted_zahlungen.1565875545.txt.gz · Letzte Änderung: 2019 08:15 (externe Bearbeitung)