{{ :manual:user_guide:ic_question_alt.png?nolink|}}====== Where Can I Download Locus Map? ====== ---- ===== Google Play Store ===== As an Android user, you're already familiar with the **[[https://play.google.com/store/search?q=locus&c=apps&docType=1&sp=CAFiBwoFbG9jdXN6AhgAigECCAE%3D|Google Play Store]]** and this is the place to get your Locus Map. Here's how we recommend you proceed: ==== Test it for free! ==== * download the **[[https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=menion.android.locus|free version of Locus Map >>]]** * try all the basic features of Locus Map! ==== Go Premium! ==== * if you like the free version and want to have more, **[[https://www.locusmap.app/premium/|buy or subscribe to the Premium version and enjoy a full-featured application without limitations]]**. There is a **14-days free trial period** available. ===== Locus Map repository ===== The repository contains .APK files of the latest production versions of both **Locus Map 4** and **Locus Map 3 Classic**, as well as an archive of older versions going back several years. The APKs are available for free download from our **[[https://bit.ly/lmVersions|Google Drive >>]]** * installing Locus Map 3 Classic from this source requires **active and working Google Services** due to the license verification. * Locus Map 4 is available here in its **free basic version** but you can upgrade it to Premium either via in-app purchase or with **[[https://www.locusmap.app/voucher|Premium vouchers]]**.