{{ :manual:user_guide:ic_map_download_alt.png?nolink&}} ====== How to Get Offline Maps into My Locus Map? ====== ---- Perfect offline maps to start with are our **[[:manual:user_guide:maps_locusmaps|LoMaps]]**. They are very accurate, detailed and memory-friendly, they cover the whole world and **you can get the first three for free** as a gift from us. You can find them in the **[[:manual:user_guide:locus_store|Locus Store]]**: {{youtube>6lJZPo9FL_g?full}}\\ Here's a more detailed description: * main menu > {{:manual:user_guide:ic_map_alt.png?nolink&30}}Map manager > Offline tab * tap {{:manual:user_guide:tracks:add.png?30|}} and select **Download maps**: \\ {{ :manual:basics:addmaps_new2.gif?nolink& }} * **Locus Store** opens and displays the closest available maps - **LoMaps at the top**:\\ {{ :manual:basics:addmaps_new3.jpg?nolink |}} * tap the LoMap you want to **download**\\ {{ :manual:basics:addmaps_new4.jpg?nolink |}}\\ You will need to login to Locus Store to start the download - **tap the login button** * select your preferred login method:\\ {{ :manual:basics:addmaps_new5.jpg?nolink |}} * once you're logged in, **download the LoMap** (or purchase it if you've used up all your free LoMaps) * The LoMap will appear in the Offline maps tab:\\ {{ :manual:basics:addmaps_new6.jpg?nolink |}}\\ **Enjoy!**\\ \\ [[:manual:user_guide:maps_download|More about downloading maps >>]]