{{ :manual:user_guide:ic_track_record_alt.png?nolink&}} ====== How Can I Record Track of My Trip? ====== ---- Let's start with a quick video overview:\\ {{youtube>tKesOq5k6rY?full}}\\ Want to show your buddies where you went? No problem with Locus Map: * tap the **track record button**:\\ {{ :manual:basics:trackrec_bas.png?nolink |}} * select the recording profile according to your **activity** (walking, cycling...) and press the **big green START button**:\\ {{ :manual:basics:trackrec_bas1.png?nolink |}} * the track recording panel will start displaying your **track statistics**:\\ {{ :manual:basics:trackrec_bas2.png?nolink |}} and your track will be recorded. The **active recording** is marked by the **red button** and the **track line** behind the cursor:\\ {{ :manual:basics:trackrec_bas3.png?nolink |}} * when your trip is over, **stop** recording - tap the red button on the map screen, then tap the **STOP** button on the panel:\\ {{ :manual:basics:trackrec_bas4.png?nolink |}} * if necessary, change the track name, description, activity and folder where the track will be saved, and press **SAVE**:\\ {{ :manual:basics:trackrec_bas5.png?nolink |}} * when the track is saved correctly, its **detail panel** will slide up:\\ {{ :manual:basics:trackrec_bas6.png?nolink |}} * your track will be saved in the **selected folder**:\\ {{ :manual:basics:trackrec_bas7.png?nolink |}} ===== Useful tips ===== * before recording, make sure **your device's GPS is on** - the Locus Map GPS icon must be green {{:manual:user_guide:ic_gps_on_fix_default.png?nolink&30}} * **make sure Locus Map is not battery-optimized**. If it is, Locus Map will notify you in the track recording panel:\\ {{ :manual:basics:trackrec_bas.gif?nolink |}} [[:manual:user_guide:tracks:recording|More about track recording >>]].