====== My Library ======
All your user data - **tracks, routes and points** - is saved in the Library that is stored **locally** within the Locus Map app and also on the **[[https://web.locusmap.app|web]]**. Both local and web libraries are seamlessly synchronized when you have **[[manual:user_guide:premium|Premium Gold]]** active.\\ {{ :manual:ios:ios34.jpg?nolink |}}
The library is divided into two parts:
* **Tracks & Routes** - containing your recorded tracks, and planned or imported routes
* **Points** - containing your imported geocaches or newly created user points of interest\\ {{ :manual:ios:ios35.jpg?nolink |}}
Tracks, routes and points are stored in **folders** that can be included in **groups**.
===== Folders =====
Folders can be individually placed in the library or included in groups. They can be sorted according to various criteria, moved, newly created, and deleted.
==== Sorting ====
You can sort both folders and groups.
* tap the sorting button in the bottom bar and select **Folder sorting**
* select criteria - by **name, update or creation**. You can also **reverse** the sorting.\\ {{ :manual:ios:ios36.gif?nolink |}}
==== Moving ====
You can move both folders and groups.
* **single folder/group** - swipe the folder name to the left > tap **Move**\\ {{ :manual:ios:ios40.jpg?nolink |}}
* **multiple folders/groups** - tap **Edit** in the bottom bar > checkboxes appear on the left from the folders > **check** the folders/groups you want to move > tap **Move** button in the bottom bar
* select the destination and tap **Select folder**\\ {{ :manual:ios:ios37.gif?nolink |}}
==== Adding new ====
To create a new folder or group:
* go to the Points or Tracks&Routes section
* tap the **add new** button in the bottom bar
* select **New folder** or **New group of folders**
* set the name, icon and style of the new folder (optionally) and tap **Close**\\ {{ :manual:ios:ios38.gif?nolink |}}
==== Changing properties ====
To change the folder/group name, or the style of the tracks and routes stored in it:
* tap the **properties** button in the bottom bar
* **change** the properties
* **close** the dialog\\ {{ :manual:ios:ios41.gif?nolink |}}
==== Deleting ====
To delete a folder or a group of folders:
* **single delete** - swipe the folder name to the left > tap **Trash**\\ {{ :manual:ios:ios39.gif?nolink |}}
* **multiple delete** - tap **Edit** in the bottom bar > checkboxes appear on the left from the folders > **check** the folders/groups you want to delete > tap **Trash** button in the bottom bar
This way the folders are only moved to the **Trash**.
===== Tracks & Routes =====
==== Display on map ====
Tracks and routes are displayed on the map after activating. You can activate a single track or a group of tracks at once.
=== Single track/route ===
Open the Library and select a folder with tracks and routes. Then you have two options to activate a single track on the map:
* **from the folder** - swipe the track to the right and tap the **eye** button:\\ {{ :manual:ios:ios42.jpg?nolink |}}\\ To **hide** the displayed track, proceed **the same way as when activating it**.
* **from the track detail** - tap a track in the folder and then tap the **map preview** or the **eye** button in the bottom bar:\\ {{ :manual:ios:ios43.jpg?nolink |}}\\ Tapping the map preview **immediately displays** the track on the map screen and closes the track detail.\\ \\ To **hide** the displayed track, tap it on the map to open its detail and then tap the **eye** again.
=== Multiple choice ===
To display multiple tracks/routes on the map:
* **open the folder** from which you want to display multiple tracks/routes
* tap **Edit** and **check** the tracks you want to activate
* tap the **eye** button in the toolbar
* **close** the Library
* the tracks are displayed on the map:\\ {{ :manual:ios:ios44.gif?nolink |}}
==== Sorting ====
Tracks and routes can be sorted in the folder by various criteria - by **name, distance, time, date of creation, and date of update**. To change the criterion:
* tap the sorting button and select **Tracks/routes sorting**
* tap the selected criterion:\\ {{ :manual:ios:ios45.gif?nolink |}}
==== Moving ====
=== Single track/route ===
To move a single track or route to another folder:
* swipe the selected track to the left
* tap **Move**
* browse the Library, find and open the target folder
* tap **Select folder**:\\ {{ :manual:ios:ios46.gif?nolink |}}
=== Multiple tracks/routes ===
* tap **Edit** in the toolbar of the source folder
* check the tracks/routes that you want to move
* tap the **Move** button in the toolbar
* browse the Library, find and open the target folder
* tap **Select folder**:\\ {{ :manual:ios:ios48.gif?nolink |}}
==== Sharing ====
You can share a track or route via a **link** that displays it on [[https:// web.locusmap.app|web.locusmap.app]]:
* open a **track detail** screen
* tap the **sharing** button
* tap the **Share** or **Copy** button. The first opens the iOS sharing menu with a **selection of apps** that can process the link further - send it over Airdrop, Messages, etc. or store it in Notes and other apps. The latter copies the link to the **clipboard**.\\ {{ :manual:ios:ios49.gif?nolink |}}
**Everybody who has the link can view the track on the web.** If you decide to hide it from others, tap **Make it private** in the sharing dialog. The link becomes **inactive**:\\ {{ :manual:ios:ios50.jpg?nolink |}}
==== Editing ====
You can edit the **name**, add **description**, change the **activity** and line **style**.
* to open the editing screen, tap the button in the bottom bar of the track detail screen:\\ {{ :manual:ios:ios67.jpg |}}
* to change the name or add a description, tap the relevant boxes, and the keyboard slides up:\\ {{ :manual:ios:ios68.jpg |}}
* to change the activity on the track or route, open the popup menu:\\ {{ :manual:ios:ios69.jpg |}}
* to change the style of the route line, turn off the folder style and change the color and width:\\ {{ :manual:ios:ios70.jpg |}}
* tap **SAVE** to confirm the changes
==== Deleting ====
To remove a track/route from the folder, swipe it to the left and tap the **trash** button:\\ {{ :manual:ios:ios47.gif?nolink |}}
The deleted track/route is stored in the **[[manual:ios:my_lib#trash|trash]]** from where you can restore it or delete it forever.
==== Track/route detail ====
When you tap a track or route in the library or on the map, its detail screen emerges:\\ {{ :manual:ios:ios51.jpg |}}
The screen consists of a few main parts:
=== Track/route preview ===
* tapping the preview displays the track **on the main map screen** and closes the track detail screen:\\ {{ :manual:ios:ios54.gif |}}
=== Track/route name ===
* you can **change the name** by tapping it - it turns editing mode on. Tapping **Enter** on the keyboard saves the new name:\\ {{ :manual:ios:ios52.jpg |}}
=== Statistics ===
* by default, **basic stats** are displayed - date and time of the track creation, length, time on the track, elevation gain and loss
* tapping the basics opens a screen with the **detailed stats**:\\ {{ :manual:ios:ios53.jpg |}}
=== Chart ===
* by default, an elevation chart of the track or route is displayed. You can easily change it to the chart of speed:\\ {{ :manual:ios:ios55.gif |}}
* sometimes the GPS measuring of elevation is not correct due to weather or terrain conditions. To optimize the elevation chart, you can apply **filtering**:\\ {{ :manual:ios:ios56.gif |}}
=== Waypoints ===
* list and itinerary of waypoints and navigation points (not fully functional yet due to missing navigation feature):\\ {{ :manual:ios:ios57.gif |}}
* when you tap a waypoint in the itinerary, its detail displays:\\ {{ :manual:ios:ios58.gif |}}
=== Best interval ===
* if the track is recorded and contains data related to its time progress, the best interval is displayed here (shortest time on a km or a mile). Tapping unfolds the time progress along the whole track:\\ {{ :manual:ios:ios59.gif |}}
=== Details ===
Information about the **activity** on the track (or planned route), the **style** of the track line and the **folder** where it is stored:\\ {{ :manual:ios:ios66.jpg |}}
===== Points =====
==== Display on map ====
Points are displayed on the map after activating. You can activate a single point or a group of points at once.
=== Single point ===
Open the Library and select a folder with points. Then you have two options to activate a single point on the map:
* **from the folder** - swipe the point to the right and tap the **eye** button:\\ {{ :manual:ios:ios60.jpg |}}\\ To **hide** the displayed point, proceed **the same way as when activating it**.
* **from the point detail** - tap a point in the folder and then tap the **map preview** or the **eye** button in the bottom bar:\\ {{ :manual:ios:ios61.jpg |}}\\ Tapping the map preview **immediately displays** the point on the map screen and closes the point detail. To **hide** the displayed point, tap it on the map to open its detail screen and then tap the **eye** again.
=== Multiple choice ===
To display multiple points on the map:
* **open the folder** from which you want to display multiple points
* tap **Edit** and **check** the points you want to activate
* tap the **eye** button in the toolbar
* **close** the Library
* the points are displayed on the map:\\ {{ :manual:ios:ios62.png |}}
==== Sorting ====
Points can be sorted in the folder by various criteria - by **name, date of creation, and date of update**. To change the criterion:
* tap the sorting button and select **Points sorting**
* tap the selected criterion:\\ {{ :manual:ios:ios63.jpg |}}
==== Moving ====
=== Single point ===
To move a single point to another folder:
* swipe the selected point to the left
* tap **Move**
* browse the Library, find and open the target folder
* tap **Select folder**:\\ {{ :manual:ios:ios64.jpg |}}
=== Multiple points ===
* tap **Edit** in the toolbar of the source folder
* check the points that you want to move
* tap the **Move** button in the toolbar
* browse the Library, find and open the target folder
* tap **Select folder**:\\ {{ :manual:ios:ios65.jpg |}}
==== Creating a new point ====
If you want to create a new point of interest you can do so on the **main screen** or in a selected **point folder**. The first option offers a selection of folders where to store the point, the latter stores the point directly in the selected folder.
=== Main screen ===
* place the **cursor** on the spot where you want to create the point
* tap the **New point** button
* fill in the new point **form** (optionally) - point name, icon, folder and other info, add attachments
* tap **Save**\\ {{ :manual:ios:ios71.gif |}}
=== Folder ===
* place the **cursor** on the spot where you want to create the point
* open My library > Points > **select the folder** into which you want to store the point
* tap the **New point** button in the bottom bar:\\ {{ :manual:ios:ios72.jpg |}}
* fill in the new point **form** (optionally)
* tap **Save**
==== Sharing ====
To share a point of interest, tap the sharing menu button in the point detail bottom bar:\\ {{ :manual:ios:ios73.jpg |}}
There are several ways of sharing a point:
* as a **link** displaying the point at **[[https://web.locusmap.app|web.locusmap.app]]**. You can copy it, store it or send it via available services:\\ {{ :manual:ios:ios74.jpg |}}
* as a link displaying the point in **Apple Maps** or other map apps
* you can also **start the navigation** to it in Apple Maps and other apps
==== Editing ====
To edit a point of interest:
* open its detail screen and tap the pencil button in the bottom bar:\\ {{ :manual:ios:ios78.jpg |}}
* you can change the **name, icon, description, address, links, e-mails and phone numbers**\\ {{ :manual:ios:ios79.gif |}}
* tap **SAVE** when you're done
==== Deleting ====
To remove a point from the folder, swipe it to the left and tap the **trash** button:\\
The deleted point is stored in the **[[manual:ios:my_lib#trash|trash]]** from where you can restore it or delete it forever.
==== Point detail ====
To display a point detail screen, tap it on the **map** or in the **Library**.\\ {{ :manual:ios:ios75.jpg |}}
It displays:
* **map preview** - tapping it opens the main map screen with the point centered
* point **name, distance** and **elevation**
* **description** (if available)
* **details** - folder, address
* **links** (if available) - URL, email, phone number
* **location** - dates of creation and update and coordinates\\ {{ :manual:ios:ios76.jpg |}}
Geocache detail also displays basic information like difficulty or terrain.\\ {{ :manual:ios:ios77.jpg |}}
===== Import =====
You can import tracks, routes and points to the app via a GPX file. You can do so in two ways:
* by tapping a GPX file in your file browser
* within Locus Map app
==== File browser ====
* tap the selected GPX file in your phone's file browser
* tap the "share" button and select Locus Map
* the content of the GPX is displayed **on the map**:\\ {{ :manual:ios:ios80.gif |}}
* it is stored in the **Imported** sector of the Library:\\ {{ :manual:ios:ios81.gif |}}
* from there you can **move** the content to other parts of the Library:\\ {{ :manual:ios:ios82.jpg |}}
==== Within app ====
You can import a GPX directly to a selected folder:
* open a selected folder in your Library
* tap **Import** button > tap **Select GPX file**
* a file browser opens > **select** the GPX file for import > **Open**
* Locus Map displays info about the imported file
* the file is in the folder:\\ {{ :manual:ios:ios83.gif |}}
==== Apple Health ====
You can also easily import activities from Apple Health:
* open a track folder in your **Library**
* tap the **Apple Watch** button in the bottom bar:\\ {{ :manual:ios:ios90.jpg |}}
* **select** activity from the list and tap **Import**:\\ {{ :manual:ios:ios91.jpg |}}
* the activity is imported to Locus Map:\\ {{ :manual:ios:ios92.jpg |}}
* including **all detailed statistics**:\\ {{ :manual:ios:ios93.jpg |}}
===== Synchronization =====
**Available with [[manual:user_guide:getpremium|Premium Gold]]**
By default, Locus Map LITE is **synchronized with the apps on other devices** and the web library **automatically**. To check the status or to trigger the sync manually, tap the button in the bottom right corner:\\ {{ :manual:ios:ios84.jpg |}}
The cloud sync dialog provides options and the status of the latest sync:\\ {{ :manual:ios:ios85.jpg |}}
===== Trash =====
Deleting tracks, routes and points from the Library folders moves the data to the **trash**:\\ {{ :manual:ios:ios86.jpg |}}
* if you change your mind and you want to restore an item from the trash swipe it to the right and tap **Restore**. The item returns to its original folder:\\ {{ :manual:ios:ios87.jpg |}}
* to delete an item permanently, swipe it to the left and tap **Delete**:\\ {{ :manual:ios:ios88.jpg |}}
* to empty the trash completely, tap *Empty the trash** at the bottom:\\ {{ :manual:ios:ios89.jpg |}}