{{ :manual:user_guide:ic_gc_tools_alt.png?nolink|}}====== Geocaching Tools ======
Menu > All features > Geocaching > Geocaching tools
===== Geocaching LIVE! =====
Available only with **[[https://www.locusmap.app/premium|Locus Map Premium]]**
**The first use of these tools triggers logging in to the [[https://Geocaching.com|Geocaching.com]] website and permission to share its data with Locus Map.**
{{ :manual:user_guide:geocaching:gc_tools01.jpg?nolink |}}
==== Search for geocaches ====
Imports geocaches from the [[https://Geocaching.com|Geocaching.com]] website according to the selected location and other parameters. **[[manual:user_guide:geocaching:import#search_and_download|More here >>]]**
==== My lists & PQ ====
This loads Lists and Pocket Queries defined on your geocaching account page. **[[manual:user_guide:geocaching:import#my_lists_and_pocket_queries|More here >>]]**
==== Log trackable ====
Enables logging found trackable items (internet connection required). **[[http://www.geocaching.com/track/default.aspx|More about trackables >>]]**
===== Geocaching tools =====
{{ :manual:user_guide:geocaching:geocaching26.jpg?nolink |}}
==== Logs manager ====
Locus Map can log your geocaches online or offline in drafts (field notes) that can be logged online later.\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:geocaching:gc_tools02.jpg?nolink |}} This is the place where the drafts (field notes) can be simply managed, e.g. exported in a file or logged into the Geocaching.com website.\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:geocaching:gc_tools04.jpg?nolink |}}\\ You can control which drafts you want to visualize in the topbar menu:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:geocaching:gc_tools03.jpg?nolink |}}
==== Draw circle ====
Draws a circle with a defined radius and color/opacity around a [[manual:user_guide:tools:location|selected place on the map]]\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:geocaching:gc_tools05.jpg?nolink |}}
==== Line tools ====
Draws a line between two [[manual:user_guide:tools:location|defined coordinates]] or calculates an intersection point of two lines\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:geocaching:gc_tools06.jpg?nolink |}}
==== Middle point====
Sets [[manual:user_guide:tools:location|location]] of two points and calculates exact center between them\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:geocaching:gc_tools07.jpg?nolink |}}
==== Projection====
Calculates a new point from its distance and azimuth from your location and draws it on the map. This function is available also in [[manual:user_guide:tools:location|Location selector]].\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:geocaching:gc_tools08.jpg?nolink |}}
==== Load all waypoints====
Displays all waypoints of geocaches activated on the map
==== Geocache radius limit====
According to Geocaching.com rules, physical parts of individual geocaches may be placed at least 528ft/161m from each other. This function helps visualize such an area. Locus asks which geocaches you want to highlight and offers your folder structure.\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:geocaching:gc_tools09.jpg?nolink |}}\\ To remove the circles, turn this feature on and re-select the same cache folder. More about geocaching guidelines [[https://www.geocaching.com/about/guidelines.aspx|here >>]]
**How to remove items drawn by the geocaching tools:**
* tap the {{:manual:user_guide:ic_hide_alt.png?nolink&30|}} //Clear map screen// button in **[[manual:user_guide:items:management|Map items]]** screen topbar or
* long-tap //My library// button in the //[[manual:user_guide:functions:panel|Function panel]]// and select //Clear map screen// or
* add //Clear map screen// button directly to your //[[manual:user_guide:functions:panel|Function panel]]//
{{:manual:user_guide:ic_gc_offlinizer_alt.png?nolink&30 |}}
===== Geocaching offlinizer =====
Available only with **[[https://www.locusmap.app/premium|Locus Map Premium]]**
**Geocaching offlinizer** is an abbreviation of a more accurate **Geocaching image offlinizer**. The feature is not among other geocaching tools. Still, it can be found in a **Geocache detail panel** under [[manual:user_guide:geocaching:gc_in_locus#context_menu|context menu]] or, in case of selecting more caches, in the tools menu in the bottom bar of the [[manual:user_guide:points:management|point manager]]. To make it work, follow these instructions:
* in the geocache folder, select caches you want to "offlinize"
* choose **GC Offlinizer** from the tools menu and a new dialog pops up\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:geocaching:gc_tools10.jpg?nolink |}}
* if you just want to download images that are included in cache listings do not check //Live API//. It is also much faster.
* if you need also spoilers or you are not sure if listings are complete or contain links to all images, use //Live API//. This action requires a valid //Geocaching Live// login.
* if you just want to download spoilers, you must use //Live API// and check **Only spoilers**.
==== Data storage ====
* all downloaded images are stored in //Locus/data/geocaching// directory
* the **images** folder is added to the [[manual:user_guide:geocaching:gc_in_locus#context_menu|geocache context menu]]\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:geocaching:gc_tools11.jpg?nolink |}}
It is recommended to clear unused images (that remain in your phone memory when you delete caches from the Locus database) from time to time. Go to **Settings > Miscellaneous > Clear temporary data** and select **Unneeded geocaching data** or **Unused attachments**.