{{ :manual:user_guide:ic_bt_config_alt.png?nolink|}} ====== Controlling ====== ---- ===== Main screen controls ===== **Locus Map main screen** contains the **map**, **panels of functions**, **buttons** and other objects: {{ :manual:user_guide:mapscreen.png?nolink |}} - information box - map scale and attribution - indicator of GPS location (here in the "show view" mode) - cursor (here with dynamic elevation) - **[[manual:user_guide:tracks:recording:|track recording]]** button - **[[manual:user_guide:mainscr_lpanel|content panel]]** button - **[[manual:user_guide:settings:mainmenu|main menu]]** button - map centering/rotation button - zooming buttons - GPS status indicator/button - **[[manual:user_guide:functions:panel|panels of functions]]** ===== GPS location and cursor ===== ==== GPS location ==== Marked by a circle with a hollow dot inside (3). The color of the circle varies depending on your GPS fix - **blue is fixed**. The narrower the circle, the more accurate your GPS fix is:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:mapscreen01.gif?nolink |}}\\ An **arrow** indicates your **movement**:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:mapscreen2.png?nolink |}}\\ Dashed green indicates your **location is not fixed** - Locus displays the **last saved location**:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:mapscreen3.png?nolink |}} ==== Cursor ==== By default, it is placed in the center of the screen (4). Mainly it works as a **pointer** - placing it over various objects triggers popups, you can locate accurately a spot for a new point, etc.:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:mapscreen4.png?nolink |}}\\ The cursor can be [[manual:user_guide:settings:control#shift_map_cursor|shifted to the lower third of the screen]] for a **better view during navigation** (works only when map rotation is on):\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:mapscreen5.png?nolink |}} ===== Controlling the map ===== The map is controlled by **tapping gestures** and by **buttons**: ==== Shifting ==== * **touch and drag** the map ==== Zooming ==== * **pinch** or **double-tap-and-drag** the map * use **[[manual:user_guide:settings:control#panels_buttons|zooming buttons]]** that are hidden by default:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:mainscreen04.png?nolink |}}\\ When holding one of the buttons, a zoom slider appears – it displays the **range of available zooms** and your actual zoom position:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:mapscreen7.png?nolink |}} ==== Centering ==== * tap the centering button **once** - your GPS location on the map shifts to the center:\\ {{ :manual:basics:mainscreen01.png?nolink |}} * to **keep** your GPS location **centered**, hold the centering button until keeping the location centered is confirmed:\\ {{ :manual:basics:mainscreen03.png?nolink |}} * to abort the auto-centering, hold the centering button again until the abort is confirmed. ==== Rotating ==== * tap the centering button **twice**:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:mapscreen6.png?nolink |}}\\ The map rotates according to your movement direction (forward is up) or according to your device's [[manual:user_guide:settings:gps#compass|hardware compass]]:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:mapscreen13.gif |}} * another option is to **display the direction of the users view** (or better - orientation of the phone when the map is kept oriented northwards):\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:mapscreen8.png?nolink |}}\\ This can be turned on/off in the [[manual:user_guide:maps_settings#auxiliary_graphics|map settings]]. * **manual rotating** is by default switched off. It can be activated in [[manual:user_guide:settings:control#simple_multi-touch|map screen settings]]. The manual rotating mode is indicated on the rotating button:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:mapscreen14.jpg?nolink |}} ==== Magnifier, zoom lock, screen lock ==== These controls are by default hidden and can be added to the **[[manual:user_guide:functions:panel|panels of functions]]**:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:mapscreen9.png?nolink |}} * **magnifier**:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:mapscreen10.png?nolink |}} * **zoom lock** - disables switching among the map zooms but **allows changing the map resolution** (at the cost of its blurring when extremely zooming in):\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:mapscreen11.png?nolink |}} * **screen lock** - blocks all map controls and HW buttons. Screenlock switch appears on the side of the window. To **unlock the screen**, drag it to the center:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:mapscreen12.png?nolink |}} ===== Information box ===== By default, infobox is [[manual:user_guide:settings:control#top_panel_hiding|hidden]] (1). When you activate is you can select what to display in it:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:infofield.png?nolink |}} * **Map** – format, name, zoom, and resizing % of the displayed map * **GPS** – GPS accuracy, number of targeted/fixed satellites, speed, and altitude * **Coordinates** – actual coordinates on the position of the cursor. Holding a finger on the box **copies the coordinates to the clipboard** * **Guidance** – distance, azimuth, and estimated time of arrival at your destination * **Track recording** – recording time and distance * **Time, battery status** - current date and time, battery status in % and its temperature * **Sunrise/Sunset** - remaining time and absolute time of either sunrise or sunset depending on what is closer ===== GPS indicator ===== By default, it is placed in the bottom panel (10) and it indicates the **status of Locus's access to GPS location** provided by your device. * {{:manual:user_guide:ic_gps_off_default.png?nolink&30}}- access to GPS location is **disabled in Locus** (but the device has access enabled) * {{:manual:user_guide:ic_gps_on_no_fix_default.png?nolink&30}}- the device has disabled access to GPS or it is **searching for the GPS location** * {{:manual:user_guide:ic_gps_on_ap_no_fix_default.png?nolink&30}}- the same as above but **GPS Auto-off** is **ON** (see more at [[manual:user_guide:settings:gps#gps_auto-off|GPS settings >>]]) * {{:manual:user_guide:ic_gps_on_fix_default.png?nolink&30}}- **GPS location is fixed** * {{:manual:user_guide:ic_gps_on_ap_fix_default.png?nolink&30}}- the same as above but **GPS Auto-off** is **ON** (see more at [[manual:user_guide:settings:gps#gps_auto-off|GPS settings >>]]) * {{:manual:user_guide:ic_gps_simulation.png?nolink&30|}}- **GPS simulation** is ON. [[manual:user_guide:tools:gps#topbar_menu|More info here >>]] Tapping the **GPS indicator** opens **[[:manual:user_guide:tools:gps|GPS skyplot and Compass ]]** screen. When you **hold** the GPS icon, a menu appears for **fast switch of GPS status**. ===== Panels of functions ===== The app provides bottom and right panels. Buttons of features on them can be **fully customized**. [[manual:user_guide:functions:panel|More info >>]] * **Track recording button** (5) - opens a panel with track recording controls. [[manual:user_guide:tracks:recording|More info >>]] * **Content button** (6) - opens a slide-out panel with additional content layers displayed above the map. [[manual:user_guide:mainscr_lpanel|More info >>]] * **Main menu** (7) - entrance to the realm of Locus Map features and tools. [[manual:user_guide:settings:mainmenu|More info >>]] **All controls, buttons and panels can be hidden and displayed upon tapping the screen**. What to hide, when and other aspects of the controls' behavior can be configured in [[manual:user_guide:settings:control#panels_buttons|settings > controlling > panels&buttons]].