{{ :manual:user_guide:ic_quick_new_point_alt.png?nolink|}}====== Quick New Point ======
Available only with **[[https://www.locusmap.app/premium|Premium]]**
===== About =====
The quick new point is designed for situations when you need to add more identical points repeatedly during a time period.
===== 1. Define a new quick point =====
Before adding a quick point it is necessary to define it - point definition enables easy sorting points into logical groups:
* **Menu > All features > Points > Quick new point > {{:manual:user_guide:add.png?nolink&20|}}**
* a new quick point definition dialog opens:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:points:quickpoint.jpg?nolink |}}
* **Title of the definition** - optional, can be left empty
* **Storage** - either a //point folder// - you can use already an existing or create a new one - or the quick point can be saved as a part of //track recording//
* **Icon & Name** - points can have their designated icon (otherwise they will inherit the folder icon). The name can include special parameters (tap {{:manual:user_guide:ic_add_alt.png?nolink&30|}} button):
* //{c}// - inserts a counter of points in folder
* //{c1}// - inserts any increasing number
* //{t}// - inserts a time stamp
* //{text}// - enables inserting editable text before saving
* **Description** - optional description of the point
If you want to **share** the definitions they are stored in ///Locus/data/config/quick_add_point.lb// file.
===== 2. Add quick points on map =====
* Center your location or shift the map cursor to the location where you want to place the point.
* Call Quick new point function - //Menu > More functions > Quick new point// and tap on a previously created point definition\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:points:quickpoint3.gif?nolink |}}
It is very handy to place the Quick new point button into the **[[manual:user_guide:functions:panel|function panel >>]]** to call the feature immediately.
===== Organizing definitions =====
It is possible to edit, move or delete quick point definitions:
* Long-press the definition icon and select from popup menu of actions:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:points:quickpoint2.jpg?nolink |}}