{{ :manual:user_guide:ic_settings_alt.png?nolink|}}====== Controlling ====== ---- ===== Display ===== ---- ==== Advertisement ==== Ads are visible in the basic free version of Locus Map only\\ By un-checking this you are offered purchasing banner-free **[[https://www.locusmap.app/premium|Premium]]**:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:settings:settings_01.gif?nolink |}} ==== Dark theme ==== Switches the user interface (panels, screens) into the battery and eyes-saving appearance.\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:settings:settings_55.gif?nolink |}}\\ There are four modes: * **Light** - forces classic Locus appearance * **Dark** - forces black appearance * **System settings** - adopts settings of your device * **By daylight** - changes light and dark mode according to sunrise and sunset ==== Orientation Lock ==== Controls rotating of the display depending on the phone position. === Settings === * **System settings** - follows the Android system settings of screen orientation * **All screens** - orientation locked in all screens * **Map screen** - orientation locked in map screen only === Orientation === Selects the position in which the display will be locked: * **portrait mode** * **landscape mode** * **reverse portrait mode** * **reverse landscape mode** ==== Screen On/Off Control ==== Defines situations when the **screen is turned on/off by gestures or by events within the app**. * this option overrides system screen on/off settings * available only with **[[https://www.locusmap.app/premium|Premium]]** * requires the system administrator permission for the Locus app (functional only when the app has its main directory in the internal storage) * requires system permission for app notifications === Gestures === May not work correctly on all devices with Android 13 * **Disabled** - screen on/off by gesture is disabled * **Wave once** - wave once in front of the device proximity sensor to turn the Locus Map screen on * **Wave twice** - wave twice in front of the device proximity sensor to turn the Locus Map screen on {{youtube>w25-HNlUG-s?full}}\\ === Guidance/Navigation === * **Turn on when notified of a point** - Locus Map screen turns on when it notifies user of a point coming closer (notifications must be on, see [[manual:user_guide:functions:guidance#guidance_to_a_point|Guidance to a Point >>]]) * **Turn on when notified on a track** - Locus Map screen turns on when it notifies user of either next direction change or leaving the [[manual:user_guide:functions:guidance#guidance_along_a_route|route he is being guided along]]. * **Turn on when notified during navigation** - Locus Map screen turns on before each voice command during voice [[manual:user_guide:functions:navigation|navigation]] === Auto screen turn-off === * setting of the interval before turning the screen off again * is set in 5-second steps from 0 to 120 seconds. 0 = screen turning off is disabled (until the system turns the screen off) **Android 7+ "Nougat" users**: this feature does not work in Locus Map installed in your external SD memory - your OS does not assign proper permission to it. Move your Locus Map to your internal shared storage: * open up Apps in your device Settings and navigate to Locus Map * click on Storage and select Change * select Internal Shared Storage and then confirm by pressing Move ==== Always screen on ==== The option overrides the Android system screen on/off setting but does not influence the settings made by Locus //Screen on/off control// feature. It is available only with **[[https://www.locusmap.app/premium|Premium]]**. Locus Map prevents the phone screen from turning off: * **Always** - permanent screen on * **When GPS is on** - screen stays on when the GPS is on * **During guidance/navigation** - screen stays on when user is navigated or guided to a point or along a track - typical use case - **car navigation** * **When charger is plugged in** - screen stays on only during charging the phone ==== Unlock the screen ==== **Keeps the device's screen unlocked for Locus Map**. When you switch the screen off while Locus is on it, you can get back without the need to unlock the screen. ---- ===== Map screen ===== ---- ==== Map control style ==== Select the mode of the map screen control: * **Locus Map** mode - double tap shows hidden panels * **Google** mode - double tap = zoom in, two fingers tap = zoom out, one single finger tap = show hidden panels ==== Use hardware controllers ==== Locus Map can be controlled by local or external buttons and other controllers: * **Disabled** - Locus can be controlled only via the device screen * **Enabled** - volume controlling hardware buttons can be used to zoom the map. Phones with hardware or Bluetooth keyboard can be also controlled by letters **C** - map centering, **D** - display, **G** - GPS, **arrow buttons** - map shift, **+/-** - zooming. * **Carpe Iter** - mode enabling control via a third-party interface * **WunderLINQ** - mode enabling control via a third-party interface **{{:manual:user_guide:settings:r1_remote_control_with_lm_4.x_v2.zip|...Instructions & add-on for connection of the R1/MagicSee Bluetooth remote control}}**\\ by uenue ==== Simple multi-touch ==== By default, the map can be rotated manually by two fingers. To **keep the map steady when pinch-zooming and panning**, turn this option ON. ==== Tap and hold to display address ==== When checked, long-pressing a place on the map displays a panel with an address:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:settings:settings_03.gif?nolink |}}\\ The address provider (Google, GraphHopper or Bing) can be set in [[manual:user_guide:settings:misc|Miscellaneous]]. ==== Shift map cursor ==== Available only with **[[https://www.locusmap.app/premium|Premium]]** Moves the map screen cursor down by 1/4 of the screen. Functional only with the map rotation on. Useful especially for navigation or guidance:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:settings:settings_04.gif?nolink |}} ==== Hold map center ==== If you shift the map out of your current position when browsing it, this function centers it back on current GPS location after 5 secs of inactivity. The status is indicated by a "padlock" on the centering button:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:settings:settings_05.jpg?nolink |}}\\ The back-to-location interval can be changed in the [[manual:advanced:customization:config|Expert settings]]. You can activate/deactivate this also by long-pressing the centering button. ==== Two-finger measuring ==== Enables measuring the distance between two fingers touching the screen:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:settings:settings_06.jpg?nolink |}} ==== Screen cursors ==== Here you can select a set of location and tracking cursors, set their size, or add your own.\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:settings:settings_56.jpg?nolink |}} ==== Automatic zooming ==== Available only with **[[https://www.locusmap.app/premium|Premium]]** Sets connection between **speed** and displayed map **zooms** or distance from a navigated target. Bigger zooms for slow speeds/closer distance and vice versa. Useful for navigation and guidance. * tap **+** to add a new speed/zoom level * define the corresponding speed and select map zoom on the preview map * tap SAVE * repeat steps 1-3 with each speed/zoom level:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:settings:settings_07.jpg?nolink |}} Tap {{:manual:user_guide:ic_delete_alt.png?nolink&30|}} to delete a speed/zoom level. Check **Extra zoom-in on navigation commands** if you prefer extra-large zooms on turn points during voice navigation. ---- ===== Panels & buttons ===== ---- ==== Num of rows in main menu ==== Here you can define the number of rows of buttons in the main menu button grid. From 2 to 5 rows.\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:settings:settings_57.gif?nolink |}} ==== Left-handed control ==== This swaps the main screen controls from left to right for those who prefer controlling their phone with the left hand:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:settings:settings_58.gif?nolink |}} ==== Set function panels ==== The functions panels in Locus Map enable quick launching of your favorite functions. They consist of the bottom and right panel containing functions switching buttons. **[[manual:user_guide:functions:panel#settings|How to set the function panels >>]]** ==== Visibility ==== All controls and panels on the main screen can be displayed, permanently hidden or hidden automatically after a few seconds of inactivity. The automatically hidden controls can be displayed by single or double-tapping the screen (depending on your selected **[[manual:user_guide:settings:control#map_control_style|Map control style]]**). This way you can precisely configure the main screen according to your needs and preferences.\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:settings:settings_59.gif?nolink |}} === Panels and screen orientation === Here you can configure the hiding of the panels/controls in relation to the screen orientation: * **Both** - panels hide in both landscape and portrait modes * **Landscape mode** - panels hide in landscape mode only * **Portrait mode** - panels hide in portrait mode only === Panel hiding timeout === In case the panel hiding is on it sets the time interval before the panels slip in.