{{ :manual:user_guide:ic_presets_alt.png?nolink|}}
====== Presets ======
**Available without limits with [[https://www.locusmap.app/premium|Premium]]**
Locus Map is a very **universal app** - it can be set for **many various activities**, and not only the leisure time ones - it can also **[[https://www.locusmap.app/support-for-search-and-rescue/|help professionals]]** collect geo data or locate targets for rescue squads. This versatility and a vast range of features, however, has its drawbacks - using Locus for more activities means a lot of re-setting. Speaking of adjustments to your screen layout, changing the type of navigation recalculation, switching vector map themes, etc.
===== About =====
A **Preset is a way of reconfiguring the whole app with just one tap**. Technically, it consists of a set of app settings and configurations that can be loaded in one batch. Each Preset can be **customized** in detail and **Premium users can set an unlimited number of Presets**.
===== Initial setup =====
* place the **Preset button** on a **[[manual:user_guide:functions:panel|function panel]]**\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:settings:presets01.jpg?nolink |}}
===== Activating a preset =====
* **open Presets**
* tap the **selected Preset**\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:settings:presets08.jpg?nolink |}}
* the app re-configures according to the set of preferences in the Preset
**Long-press** the preset button in the function panel to display the **first three presets**:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:settings:presets10.jpg?nolink |}}
===== Editing presets =====
A newly installed Locus Map contains just one preset called **Default**. To display its contents, tap **Edit** from the action menu:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:settings:presets02.jpg?nolink |}}
The preset **switch box screen** appears, indicating what settings can be turned on/off in the preset:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:settings:presets03.jpg?nolink |}}
If you want to **add more** settings options to the preset tap {{:manual:user_guide:ic_edit_alt.png?nolink&30|}} to get to the **preset settings selection menu**:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:settings:presets04.jpg?nolink |}}
* {{:manual:user_guide:abc_btn_check_to_on_mtrl_015.png?30|}}- setting is **added** to the preset switch box
* {{:manual:user_guide:abc_btn_check_to_on_mtrl_000.png?30|}}- setting is **NOT added** to the preset switch box
* **going back from the menu confirms your selection**
Presets do not contain all the settings options Locus offers. There are only the most used preferences that resulted from a user survey.
===== Adding new Presets =====
Available only with **[[https://www.locusmap.app/premium|Premium]]**
Tap {{:manual:user_guide:tracks:add.png?nolink&30|}}:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:settings:presets05.jpg?nolink |}}
This creates a new preset containing the currently active app setup. Change its icon and title and tap **ADD**\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:settings:presets06.jpg?nolink |}}
==== Duplicate ====
Another method how to add a new preset.
* select **duplicate** from the action menu of a selected preset\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:settings:presets07.jpg?nolink |}}
* a **copy** of the preset is created
* **rename** it and change its preferences if needed