{{ :manual:user_guide:ic_get_location_alt.png?nolink&}}
====== Location Selector ======
Location Selector is a very important part of Locus Map. Over 20 activities link to it to define locations of points, map centers, search spots and so on. It is always triggered in a particular situation by {{:manual:user_guide:ic_get_location_alt.png?nolink&30}} button.
{{ :manual:user_guide:tools:location.jpg?nolink& }}
The button usually follows a **field with coordinates** of a particular point (POI, trackpoint, etc.). The field can be empty or pre-filled depending on the situation.
* tapping it opens **coordinates edit dialog**
* long-tapping copies coordinates to the device **clipboard**
===== Coordinates Edit Dialog =====
{{ :manual:user_guide:tools:location2.jpg?nolink& }}
This dialog is useful when you know exact coordinates or if you need to convert coordinates from one system to another.
* select coordinate system (e.g. WGS x°x.x' for geocaching)
* enter coordinates
**When converting, select source coordinate system, enter coordinates, and select output system, Locus Map re-calculates coordinates.**
Locus Map supports a wide range of the World coordinate systems:
* **WGS** - the most common system - basic latitude/longitude in three used formats
* **MGRS** - Military Grid Reference System, [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_grid_reference_system|Wiki >>]]
* **Maidenhead** - locator system used by amateur radio operators, [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maidenhead_Locator_System|Wiki >>]]
* **UTM** - Universal Transverse Mercator, [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Transverse_Mercator_coordinate_system|Wiki >>]]
* **S-JTSK** - Czech network of geodetic points, see [[http://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jednotná_trigonometrická_síť_katastrální|Wiki (CZ) >>]]
* **OS Irish Grid** - Irish grid reference system, [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irish_grid_reference_system|Wiki >>]]
* **Israeli CS Grid** - obsolete projected CRS suitable for use in Israel, see [[http://georepository.com/crs_28193/Palestine-1923-Israeli-CS-Grid.html|more >>]]
* **Israeli TM Grid** - new coordinate system of Israel, [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli_Transverse_Mercator|Wiki >>]]
* **Dutch Grid (RD)** - Dutch national grid, so-called [[http://spatialreference.org/ref/epsg/28992/|Amersfoort RD >>]]
* **NZGD2000** - New Zealand Transverse Mercator, see [[http://www.linz.govt.nz/data/geodetic-system/datums-projections-and-heights/geodetic-datums/new-zealand-geodetic-datum-200-0|more >>]]
* **CH1903/LV03** - Swiss grid, [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swiss_coordinate_system|Wiki >>]]
* **OSGB 1936** - Ordnance Survey National Grid, [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ordnance_Survey_National_Grid|Wiki >>]]
For more advanced users like surveyors and others, Locus Map allows to use **[[:manual:advanced:customization:coord|custom coordinate systems]]** for coordinate transformations.
===== Location Selector Dialog =====
{{ :manual:user_guide:tools:location3.jpg?nolink& }}
* //new location// tab - contains a grid of methods defining the new location
* //recently used// tab - contains a list of recently used locations
==== New location ====
* **Screen center** - selects the current position of the cursor in the map screen center
* **My location** - uses the current GPS location of your phone or tablet. Requires correct GPS fix.
* **Search** - opens the search dialog for places and addresses (or other method that was used recently)
* **My points** - opens your **Library** of points for selection
* **Select on map** - switches a new map screen where it is possible either to tap the position directly on the map (1: tap > Tap to select) or, more precisely, aim the screen center cursor (2) at the position and confirm by the hook button (3). {{ :manual:user_guide:tools:location4.gif?nolink& }}
* **Coordinates** - switches the [[:manual:user_guide:tools:location#coordinates_edit_dialog|Coordinates Edit Dialog]] to enter datum and exact coordinates
* **Contact** - offers a selection of your contacts with postal addresses
* **Projection** - defines start point, distance, and azimuth of the projected point to locate
* **Clipboard** - locates on the position stored in your device's clipboard (coordinates, address…)
* **Stabilized GPS** - starts acquiring current location with the phone's GNSS unit, records several locations and calculates their spatial average. This way the general GPS deviation is reduced to a minimum.\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:tools:location13.jpg?nolink |}}
**The grid can be modified** - icons can be long-tapped and dragged to change position or removed, and a new customized location point can be added, see **Location Selector Setup** below.
==== Recently used ====
{{ :manual:user_guide:tools:location12.jpg?nolink |}}
The tab contains the last used locations. The locations are listed according to time of use, the newest is at the top.
The red "garbage can" button erases the list.
===== Location Selector Setup =====
Location Selector can be customized according to your needs.
==== Adding, removing, sorting location methods ====
* to change the order of the location methods, long-tap and drag the buttons as you need\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:tools:location5.jpg?nolink |}}
* to add and remove items from the grid, tap the setup button {{:manual:user_guide:ic_edit_alt.png?nolink&30}}.\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:tools:location7.jpg?nolink |}}\\ **Source of location** dialog appears with a list of available location methods. Check/uncheck them to set the grid as you need:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:tools:location8.jpg?nolink |}}
* to remove a method from the grid uncheck it from the list:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:tools:location6.jpg?nolink |}}
==== Custom location ====
Select **Custom location** from the Source of location dialog. This way it is possible to define a new button in the grid for a comfortable and fast custom location:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:tools:location9.jpg?nolink |}}\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:tools:location10.jpg?nolink |}}
* **Icon&name** - select the icon and name of your custom method
* **Location** - select the method or a point of your customized location
* tap OK, and a **new button appears in the grid** and in the list of methods.\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:tools:location11.png?nolink |}}\\ To remove it, tap the action menu in the list and tap **Delete**:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:tools:location14.jpg?nolink |}}