Translated from English by gtranslate.io
Language of all texts in the app - titles, descriptions…
Changing language requires internet connection - other language packs are not part of the app.
The language list displays also availability of particular languages in percents. Help with translation button in the bottom shortcuts to Locus crowdsourced translation page. If you are interested in Locus development and have proper language skills, you are welcome!
TTS is necessary for navigation, guidance, audio coach and other voice alerts across the app.
Select type of coordinates to display in the top panel:
Advanced users (surveyors, professionals…) who want to use Locus Map for specific tasks can define custom coordinate systems >>
WGS Latitude/longitude format to display:
Select from several combinations of following systems:
Select units common in your location and field of use - m2, ha, km2, ft2, yd2, acre, mi2, nmi2
Units of height above the sea level - meters or feet
Select units common in your location - km/h, miles/h, nmi/h, knots
Select units you are used to work with - degree, angular mil, Russian mil, US artillery mil
Select percent or degree
Celsius or Fahrenheit
Joules or calories
kilogram or pound