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manual:user_guide:tracks:recording:panel [2015/09/01 16:00] kech61manual:user_guide:tracks:recording:panel [2021/08/18 13:34] (current) mstupka
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 ====== Track recording panel and widget ====== ====== Track recording panel and widget ======
 ---- ----
-There are two types of track recording panel that can be selected in [[:manual:user_guide:tracks:recording:settings|settings]]. **Sliding side panel** is set as default. {{  :manual:user_guide:tracks:trackrec2.png?nolink&  }}<WRAP round info > It slides from the left side and can be slid back by a finger. In case track recording is launched from a dedicated button in the [[:manual:user_guide:functions:panel|function panel]] it can be slid by the "back" HW button</WRAP>+Track recording in Locus Map can be controlled Locus screen panel and a widget. 
 +===== Panel ===== 
 +It slides from the left side of the screen and can be slid back by a finger or by the "back" HW button. Its content is different in two phases of its use: 
 +==== Tracks recording start ==== 
 +Here you can select your [[manual:user_guide:tracks:recording:profiles_settings|recording profile]], pre-set [[manual:user_guide:tracks:recording:trainingmanager|training scheme]] or [[manual:user_guide:tools:bluetooth|external sensors]]. {{:manual:user_guide:ic_track_record_rec_alt.png?nolink&30|}} **starts track recording**.
-{{:manual:user_guide:ic_tools_alt.png?nolink&30  }}+{{ :manual:user_guide:tracks:recording:trackrecpan01.png?nolink }}
-==== Options ====+<WRAP tip center round>The track recording can be started with countdown that can be defined in track [[:manual:user_guide:tracks:recording:settings|recording settings]]</WRAP>
-  * **more about track**  - switches to the track detail screen +Ongoing track recording is indicated by: 
-  * **save actual part**  - saves already recorded part of track individually without stopping recording - enter name, select folder, describe the track if you like +  * **blinking indicator** on the left edge of the screen 
-  * **settings**  - switches to the [[:manual:user_guide:tracks:recording:settings|track recording settings]] +  * the track recording button is **green** 
-  * **bluetooth manager**  - switches to the bluetooth sensor management +  * the cursor indicates the **direction** of the movement and draws a **line**:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:tracks:recording:trackrecpan06.jpg?nolink |}} 
-  * **ANT+ manager**  - switches to the ANT+ sensor management +==== Track recording control&monitoring ====
-  * **User guide**  - offers help in User guide +
-{{  :manual:user_guide:tracks:trackrec3.png?nolink&  }}+
-==== Track monitoring ====+A major part of the panel is filled by the track parameters that are actively monitored and displayed during the recording. 
-There are many track parameters that can be actively monitored and displayed during the recording:+{{ :manual:user_guide:tracks:recording:trackrecpan02.png?nolink |}}
-  * //chart//  - elevation profile continuously rendered during recording +You can set which values you want to monitor: 
-  * //current speed// +  * 1. go to //settings > track recording > number of track monitoring items//. The number of track monitoring items on the panel can be set from 4 to 16. 
-  * //max speed//  - maximum travelled speed during the recording +  * 2. go back to the recording panel and long-tap the field you want to change 
-  * //distance//  travelled distance from the start +  * 3. select from a vast range of available parameters\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:tracks:recording:trackrecpan03.png?nolink |}}\\  
-  * //track time//  - time of activity on track +  * it is possible to define also two charts\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:tracks:recording:trackrecpan04.png?nolink |}}
-  * //elevation gain//  - is monitored both uphill and downhill. <WRAP round info> +
-During the recording the gain value can look confusing as it displays quite large numbers - however, the value is true and displays total of elevation gain measured by your device. As the GPS-measured altitude values are quite fuzzy, the result has to be optimizedThe optimization is calculated later after saving the track so as not to waste battery life of your device. </WRAP>+
-  * //distance downhill// +<WRAP center round info> 
-  * //distance uphill// +During the recording the elevation gain value can look confusing as it displays quite large numbers - however, the value is true and displays a total elevation gain measured by your deviceAs the GPS-measured altitude values are quite fuzzy, the result has to be optimizedThe optimization is calculated later after saving the track so as not to waste your device's battery life. 
-  * //pace//  - activity time for a kilometer +</WRAP> 
-  * //trackpoint counter// +Controls of the track recording are under the monitoring items:
-  * //current time// +
-  * //battery level//<WRAP round tip >Number of track monitoring items on the panel can be set from 4 to 12Long-tap on any item opens menu of available features to be monitored.</WRAP> +
-  * {{:manual:user_guide:ic_96_track_recording_rec.png?nolink&30}}**Start button**  - starts track recording. If the GPS is not running, you will be prompted to switch it on.+
-<wrap tip>The track recording can be started with countdown that can be defined in track [[:manual:user_guide:tracks:recording:settings|recording settings]]</wrap>+{{:manual:user_guide:ic_track_record_stop_alt.png?nolink&30|}} **stops recording** and proceeds to saving the track
-  * **Recording profiles**  - selection of pre-defined track activities - walking, biking, etcProfiles define frequency of trackpoint recording and required GPS accuracy for various types of activity. The pre-defined [[:manual:user_guide:tracks:recording:profiles_settings|profiles can be edited]]. {{  :manual:user_guide:tracks:trackrec4.png?nolink&  }} +{{:manual:user_guide:ic_track_record_pause_normal_alt.png?nolink&30|}} **pauses recording**. Paused recording is  indicated by an orange indicator and the track recording button is also orange:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:tracks:recording:trackrecpan11.jpg?nolink |}}\\ Repeated tapping unpauses the recording.
-<wrap info>Locus Map Pro users can [[:manual:user_guide:tracks:recording:profiles_settings|define own tracking profiles]].</wrap>+
-==== Alternate Recording Panel ====+{{:manual:user_guide:ic_track_record_add_wpt_alt.png?nolink&30|}} **adds a waypoint** to the track - you can select among a simple point, photo point, audio point, and video point.\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:tracks:recording:trackrecpan05.png?nolink |}}
-An additional compact bottom panel is another option of displaying track recordingIt can be set in track [[:manual:user_guide:tracks:recording:settings|recording settings]]. {{  :manual:user_guide:tracks:trackrec5.png?nolink&  }}+{{:manual:user_guide:ic_tools_alt.png?nolink&30  }} 
 +==== Options ==== 
 +Options can be found in the topbar. 
 +  * **More about track**  - switches to the [[manual:user_guide:tracks:management#track_detail_screen|track detail screen]] 
 +  * **Save actual part**  - saves already recorded part of the track individually without stopping recording - just enter name, select folder, describe the track if you like  
 +  * **Bluetooth manager**  - switches to the [[manual:user_guide:tools:bluetooth|bluetooth sensor management]] 
 +  * **ANT+ manager**  - switches to the [[manual:user_guide:tools:ant|ANT+ sensor management]] 
 +  * **Settings**  - switches to the [[:manual:user_guide:tracks:recording:settings|track recording settings]] 
 +  * **User guide**  - offers help in the User guide 
-==== Track Recording Widget ====+===== Track Recording Widget =====
-<wrap info>Widget is available only in Locus Map Pro</wrap> {{  :manual:user_guide:tracks:recording:widget.png?nolink&  }}Track recording in Locus Map can be comfortably started from a widget. There are two sizes available:+Track recording in Locus Map can be comfortably started from a widget. There are two sizes available:\\ {{  :manual:user_guide:tracks:recording:widget.png?nolink&  }}
 === Small widget === === Small widget ===
- +Contains: 
-  * track recording start button {{:manual:user_guide:ic_96_track_recording_rec.png?nolink&30}} +  * track recording start button {{:manual:user_guide:ic_track_record_rec_alt.png?nolink&30}} 
-  * track recording pause button {{:manual:user_guide:ic_96_track_recording_pause_normal.png?nolink&30}}and stop button {{:manual:user_guide:ic_96_track_recording_stop.png?nolink&30}}- visible when the recording is on+  * track recording pause button {{:manual:user_guide:ic_track_record_pause_normal_alt.png?nolink&30}}and stop button {{:manual:user_guide:ic_track_record_stop_alt.png?nolink&30}}- visible when the recording is on
   * recorded track distance indicator   * recorded track distance indicator
   * Locus Map app launch button   * Locus Map app launch button
-{{  :manual:user_guide:tracks:recording:widget2.png?nolink&  }}+Widget (both sizes) in recording-ON mode:\\ {{  :manual:user_guide:tracks:recording:widget2.png?nolink&  }}
 === Large widget === === Large widget ===
Line 66: Line 69:
   * recorded track time indicator   * recorded track time indicator
-  * [[:manual:user_guide:points:add#track_recording|insert point]] button {{:manual:user_guide:ic_point_add_default.png?nolink&30}} +  * [[:manual:user_guide:points:add#track_recording|insert point]] button {{:manual:user_guide:ic_point_add_alt.png?nolink&30}} 
-  * {{:manual:user_guide:ic_settings_default.png?nolink&30}}[[:manual:user_guide:tracks:recording:settings|track recording settings]] button+  * {{:manual:user_guide:ic_type_walking_alt.png?nolink&30|}}[[:manual:user_guide:tracks:recording:settings|track recording settings]] button - **icon indicates used recording profile** 
 +<WRAP center round important> 
 +The widget is **available** only when Locus Map root directory is stored in the **internal memory** of the device. 
manual/user_guide/tracks/recording/panel.1441116001.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/09/01 17:00 (external edit)