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Locus Map enables using custom icons for Points and also Tracks folders. Custom icons are not supported in Livetracking.
Once you create or download an icon pack you may simply select folder icons in Folder Add/edit dialog or in Edit dialog for points (simply tap on point and choose edit from sub-menu)
One of possible custom modifications in Locus Map is the option to set own cursors (images) on map. Here is a short explanation how to do it:
All possibilities are divided into two packs – Basic cursors and Navigation cursors
content: (example name ‘myIcons.zip’)
myIcons.zip nodpi/ (optional) ic_location_gps.png ic_location_network.png ic_location_cross.png ic_location_move.png ic_location_view.png ic_rotate_arrow.png xhdpi/ (optional) ic_loc … hdpi/ (optional) ic_loc … mdpi/ (optional) ic_loc … ldpi/ (optional) ic_loc … ic_location_gps.png ic_loc…
content: (example name ‘myIcons.zip’)
myIcons.zip nodpi/ (optional) ic_navig_foot.png ic_navig_cycle.png ic_navig_car.png xhdpi/ (optional) ic_nav … hdpi/ (optional) ic_nav … mdpi/ (optional) ic_nav … ldpi/ (optional) ic_nav … ic_navig_foot.png ic_nav …
Locus Map offers also ability to create custom icons for geocaches. Current implementation isn't as straightforward as adding custom icons described above, anyway we suggest to read that also.
The whole procedure requires a few steps:
Images of caches are usually created from one icon (in case of disabled and other statuses it's more than one). Anyway this new system offers to create icons with various parameters.
Firstly, prepare images you want to use. At the bottom of this page, there is a list of possible image names. I'll not explain all images, as all are self-explaining by their names.
You don't have to use all images. Locus Map will firstly try to load images from your pack and in case an icon is missing, the default will be used.
Compress all icons to a .zip file (icons will be stored directly in zip, not in any sub-directory) and place them into Locus/icons directory.
In order to use these icons as a substitution for default Locus Map icons you have to specify this file in Locus Configuration file. So edit this file and specify the zipped file into the parameter geocaching_icon_pack. That's all you need to do.
// basic icons type_benchmark.png type_cache_in_trash_out.png type_earth.png type_event.png type_giga_event.png type_gps_adventure.png (for "maze" type of geocache) type_groundspeak.png type_lab.png type_letterbox.png type_locationless.png type_mega_event.png type_multi.png type_mystery.png type_project_ape.png type_tradi.png type_virtual.png type_waymark.png type_webcam.png type_wherigo.png // difficulty icons diff_10.png diff_15.png diff_20.png diff_25.png diff_30.png diff_35.png diff_40.png diff_45.png diff_50.png // terrain icons terr_10.png terr_15.png terr_20.png terr_25.png terr_30.png terr_35.png terr_40.png terr_45.png terr_50.png // size icons size_huge.png size_large.png size_micro.png size_not_choosen.png size_other.png size_regular.png size_small.png // some special icons special_computed.png special_disabled.png special_found.png special_not_found.png special_own.png // icons for waypoints wpt_final.png wpt_parking.png wpt_question.png wpt_referencepoint.png wpt_stage.png wpt_trialhead.png