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The Netherlands kartographic service PDOK offers topographic map Topo25raster for free. These map are provided in geoTiff format in local coordinate system. Locus is not able to handle geoTiff format for this reason is needed to convert these data manually.
This tutorial is prepared for Windows system but especially GDAL utilities work little bit better on Linux systems.
set GDAL_DATA=.\gdal-data gdalwarp -t_srs EPSG:4326 44a-top25raster-2010.tif 44a-top25raster-2010-4326.tif
Locus basically does not support SHP file at this moment. On the other hand there are some possibilities how to covert SHP to the different format that is possible to import into Locus.
Probably the easiest way is convert SHP file into KMZ file which is fully supported by Locus. Unfortunately there is a limitation in size of KML file. The limit for Locus is about 5000 – 10000 points depends on your device.
In this example we expect that shp file for converting is very simple. Unfortunately converting is little bit tricky and requires a specific approach for particular SHP files. So it is not possible to say that this example could be used for every SHP file.
For this example we use free shp data (Czech Republic boundaries ) download-able at http://gadm.org/data/shp/CZE_adm.zip.
There are lots of possibilities how to do it - see http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Shapefiles. In this example we use Merkaartor SW.
tag in the end of osm.xml file. You need move it and place whole tag before first geometry element<?xml version="1.0"?> <osm generator="Merkaartor 0.17" version="0.6"> <bound box="48.540841,12.085860,51.054381,18.862533" origin="http://www.openstreetmap.org/api/0.6"/> <node version="0" lon="14.4138160" lat="49.2553340" timestamp="2013-04-28T10:55:33Z" user="" id="-1" actor="0"/> ... ... ...
file based on tag _ENGTYPE_2_
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <tag-mapping xmlns="http://mapsforge.org/tag-mapping" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://mapsforge.org/tag-mapping ../resources/tag-mapping.xsd" default-zoom-appear="16" profile-name="default-profile"> <!-- CZE_ADM_2 --> <ways> <osm-tag key="_ENGTYPE_2_" value="District" zoom-appear="4" force-polygon-line="true" /> <osm-tag key="_ENGTYPE_2_" value="Statutory city" zoom-appear="4" force-polygon-line="true"/> </ways> </tag-mapping>
bin\osmosis.bat --read-xml cze_adm.osm --mapfile-writer file=cze_adm.osm.map type=ram tag-conf-file=tag-mapping-shp.xml bbox-enlargement=0
)<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <rendertheme xmlns="http://mapsforge.org/renderTheme" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://mapsforge.org/renderTheme ../renderTheme.xsd" locus-extended="1" fill-sea-areas="0" version="1" map-background="#00FFFFFF"> <!-- Render Boundaries --> <rule e="way" k="*" v="*"> <rule e="way" k="_ENGTYPE_2_" v="District" > <line stroke="#FF3E96" stroke-width="4" /> </rule> <rule e="way" k="_ENGTYPE_2_" v="Statutory city"> <line stroke="#B56904" stroke-width="4" /> </rule> </rule> </rendertheme>
into folder Locus/mapsVector