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Point-To-Point Navigation

Standard turn-by-turn navigation with voice orders from one point to another with route calculated by an external engine. The navigation data source can be selected from several providers - online or offline. The navigation calculates the route according to selected means of transport - car, bicycle or foot. In case of online routing services it is necessary to maintain the internet connection.

Follows user-defined or imported routes. Locus Map renders the voice orders automatically offline from the shape of the route.

Here >> you can set your navigation data source, voice commands etc.

Consists of the street/road No. indicator (1), indicator of the shape and distance of the next turn (2) and two adjustable fields (3,4), that can display:

  • Distance to target (3) (default)
  • Time to target (4) - estimated time calculated upon your average speed
  • Time of arrival - estimated arrival time calculated upon your average speed
  • Time to next junction - time to the next crossroads where the direction will be changed
  • Time - device clock
  • Altitude - current altitude of the user, calculated from GPS or the device barometer
  • Speed - current speed

In some cases the road number indicator may be empty as the navigation source does not have it registered.

Can be displayed by tapping the turn shape and distance indicator.

  • topbar contains a shortcut button to navigation settings
  • Track - displays track detail window
  • Itinerary - displays a list of turning points along the route
  • Recalculate - manual trigger of route recalculation
  • Nearest point - shifts the map to the nearest route point
  • Select voice - displays a table of installed voices to select from
  • End navigation - stops navigation and deletes the calculated route
  • Volume slider and Mute checkbutton - sets volume of voice commands
manual/user_guide/functions/navigation.1448453417.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/11/25 14:10 (external edit)