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Points Export


Exporting points is the only way how to transfer them from Locus Map to another mobile or desktop application for further processing. Locus Map stores points in its own SQLite database format and it is necessary to export them into one of common formats, see bellow. There are several ways how to launch point export:

  • single point export
    • Data manager > points tab > any folder > any point > “more options” button in the lower right corner > export
    • Map screen > any point on the map > tap point > tap its label > “more options” button in the lower right corner > export
  • group of points export - Data manager > Points tab > any folder > tools button > check points to export > export
  • points folder export - Data manager > Points tab > any folder > action menu > export

Points export dialog

  • Export name - name of the export file
  • Export type - indicates selected format of exported file
  • Export path - defines the path where the exported file will be saved. Either it is pre-set or it is possible to change it
  • Parameters - change according to selected export format:
    • GPX - GPS eXchange format is an XML based text format used for handling points, tracks and routes. Locus fully supports all valid tags. More detailed description of GPX format is available on this Wikipedia page.
      • Export only visible - exports only points actually visible on the map
      • Share exported data - enables to share the export file in Dropbox or other service available in your device
      • Insert a formatted description - creates a HTML table with the file description - it is not recommended if re-import or further GPX editing is planned
      • GPX version - optional setting for experienced GPS device users
    • KML/KMZ - Keyhole Markup Language is XML based plain text format with really wide range of usage. Since the version 2.2 KML format is standardized by OGC so it is used by many web/desktop/mobile applications as well as Locus Map. It is usable for export of both points and tracks.
      • parameters identical to GPX export but one:
      • Include icons and attachments - enables packing data into one KMZ file - icons, photos etc.
    • CSV - (Comma Separated Values) is a common, universal and relatively simple file format that is widely supported by many applications. Usable for export of both points and tracks. Parameters are just Export visible and Share.
    • DXF - (Drawing eXchange Format) - comes from CAD software. Usable for export of both points and tracks. Except of already mentioned parameters it enables to:
      • Display altitude - displays altitude of exported points as text information
      • Real (3D) altitude - moves exported points into real height above the sea level and displays them in 3D
    • OV2 - TomTom format for POI database. The same parameters as CSV.

Export settings

  • Menu > Settings > Miscellaneous > Data export

Overwrite data

Allows overwriting already exported data files (points or tracks).

manual/user_guide/points/export.1433867497.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/06/09 19:31 (external edit)