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Track Recording Settings

  • Menu > Settings > Track recording

Recording profiles

  • Foot - pre-defined profile. Frequency of trackpoints: 1m and 10sec. GPS accuracy: 100m. Tap to edit the profile.
  • Cycle - pre-defined profile. Frequency of trackpoints: 10m or 5sec. GPS accuracy: 100m. Tap to edit the profile.
  • Add new profile - available only for Locus Map Pro users. Allows to define a completely new profile based on default values.


  • Style of track recording panel - selection between full-featured, dashboard-like sliding side panel or simple compact bottom panel
  • Automatic start - starts track recording automatically after each Locus Map startup. Useful for thorough mapping of your training but demanding data space.
  • **Training manager** - turns Locus Map into a full-scale sporttracker. Opens a dialog setting voice notifications accompanying your workouts: * topbar - Add a new training - adds a new notification template. Sets its icon and name. * list of notification templates - tapping a particular template opens the template setting dialog with distance or time trigger interval and a list of notification variables - distance, average speed etc. * FIXME

Side panel

  • Auto-hide side panel - hides side sliding panel automatically after start/stop of recording to free screen space for map
  • Number of track monitoring items - defines number of visible track monitoring items in a grid on the panel
  • Start with countdown - starts track recording with a pre-defined countdown from 5 to 30 seconds
manual/user_guide/tracks/recording/settings.1429191953.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/04/16 16:45 (external edit)