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Web route planner & library

…in development…

Mobile application Locus Map has also its web counterpart available at It does not work as a full-stack app but it can do pretty much:

  • browse hike/bike and winter LoMaps and global satellite maps
  • plan routes
  • import/export routes
  • import user points
  • display tracks/routes and points on the map
  • search places and points of interest
  • sync with your mobile app on multiple devices



The map can be shifted by clicking and dragging, and zoomed with the mouse wheel. There are also zooming buttons in the top right corner:
To change the displayed map, select from the map selection:
To center the map on your approximate location, tap the centering button (the browser will need your permission to catch your location):

manual/user_guide/tracks/webplanner/main.1674812824.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/01/27 10:47 by mstupka