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Navigation along a route

Unlike in Navigate to... feature where the route is calculated from start to end by a routing service, Navigation along a route navigates recorded tracks, imported or planned routes stored in your own Locus track/route database.

1. Select a Route

From Track/route manager

  1. select a route and tap it to display its detail screen >>
  2. tap navigation button in the bottom panel and select Navigation

On map

  1. find your route on map and tap it
  2. tap on the popup
  3. select Navigation/guidance > Navigation

Locus Map automatically generates navigation commands along the route in places of the most remarkable direction changes.

If you need to be navigated in reverse direction, make a copy of the route and check both the Change track orientation and Generate commands options in the copy dialog.

2. START Navigation

  • At the start of the route
  • Away from the start of the route
    In this case Locus guides you to the nearest point on your route.
  • Away from the start of the route - auto recalculation
    If you have auto-recalculation with route priority set, the selected routing service calculates route to the start of your navigated route.

    Auto-recalculation with point priority ignores your selected route and creates a new route to the nearest via point or directly to the finish.

manual/user_guide/functions/navigation/along-route.1515749481.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/01/12 11:31 (external edit)