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Recorded tracks, and planned or imported routes are managed in Tracks & Routes. It can be accessed from:
The manager topbar contains Search, Cloud sync and a menu with further options:
To search tracks and routes, tap in the topbar:
You can search tracks and routes in full-text, according to location and by folders. More at track search >>
Available only with Premium Gold
To sync your tracks and routes manually with the cloud, tap the button in the topbar:
Your tracks and routes are then automatically synchronized (saved to and downloaded back) with your personal web library via Locus cloud service. This happens after every change of your data - when a track is recorded, route planned etc. More details here >>
It is necessary to perform the first synchronization with the cloud manually. This way your personal web database is created.
Tracks&Routes are managed in a structure of folders and groups of folders. Each folder line consists of an icon, a folder name, number of visible/stored tracks and and action menu button.
Tapping it visualizes all tracks in the folder on the map. Re-tapping hides them all. If you previously displayed only some tracks from the folder, tapping offers to display your previous selection or all tracks.
To hide all tracks from the map screen, tap Deselect all in the topbar menu.
Tapping it unfolds a list of tracks/routes in the folder.
Each group line contains the group name and the number of folders allocated in it.
Available only with Premium
Folders can be put together in groups. The groups are higher in the directory structure but their function is only auxiliary.
After tapping a folder the tracks/routes are displayed in a vertical list. The topbar displays visible/total number of tracks. Each line consists of:
Tapping the track line opens the track detail panel.
Multi-selection of tracks to display or apply tools at:
Visualizing too excessive a number of tracks&routes may slow down the response of the application.
Changes the top and bottom bars and displays other controls:
When you tap a track/route line in the folder, the detail info panel emerges. It contains description, statistics, elevation chart and other data. See more here >>
Each track/route in Locus has its color, pattern, width and other parameters. These parameters can be set in several levels:
Default appearance of all tracks and routes across the app can be edited in Settings > Points & Tracks > Track line style
These settings can be overridden by following:
Tracks and routes stored in a folder in the Track/route manager can have unified style settings. These settings can be edited in the folder action menu:
Style of individual tracks or routes can be edited in the track/route detail screen edit dialog:
To activate individual settings you have to switch off the folder settings (by this the style of the particular track/route automatically shifts to the global settings):
It is possible to change the individual style of multiple tracks/routes:
The style of recorded tracks can be set according to the used recording profile.
By default, the recording profile style is overwritten by the style of the folder where you store your recorded tracks. If you want to maintain the profile style, follow these steps:
Next time you record a track in this profile the style will be maintained and not overdrawn by the folder style.
The option of styling route lines is useful for example when you need to display dynamically slope angle or altitude of the route. Line style editor can be launched from the route planner menu > settings:
Route planner route style is overdrawn by the style of the folder you save your route into.
Track/route style summary:
Global style has the lowest priority in the styling of tracks/routes. Folder style, recording profile or route planner style overrides it. Folder style overrides also recording profile and route planner style. Each track or route can be finally styled individually.
All buttons editing style on all levels - global, folder, individual or track recording profile - lead here:
In order to differentiate among your routes and tracks or adjust their appearance according to the used map you have vast options of styling them - you can adjust the line color (1), width (4), and outline (6), add pattern (2) from a great selection, color the pattern, set coloring mode (3 - plain color or some of the dynamic coloring modes according to speed, elevation, etc.) or automatically close the line and fill the space with color (7).
Line (1) can be colored in basic mode,
advanced mode with option to pick any of colors provided by your device,
and code mode - just insert HEX, RGB or HSV code of the desired color:
Its opacity can be adjusted from 100% to invisibility 0%
or the line color can be switched off - only its pattern is visible:
Pattern (2) has the same coloring options as the line - basic, advanced, and code, see above. If you do not want to have a patterned line, just uncheck the pattern:
You can select from a vast array of patterns including arrows and crosses:
The track/route line can be colored (3) by plain color
or dynamically - by speed, change of speed, altitude, slope, GPS accuracy, heart rate or pedaling cadence
If you select a dynamic mode and switch line color off, the pattern is colored dynamically:
If you want to color only a certain range of altitude or slope angle you can define it manually:
Width (4) of the track line can be set in pixels (screen related) or meters (real world related)(5):
The first option displays the line in the same width across all map zooms. A line 6 pixels wide:
The same line 6 meters wide:
To enhance contrast of the line from the background map, you can add an outline (6). Coloring options are the same as for the line and pattern.
Quite a special feature for highlighting areas enclosed by a track/route (7).