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The majority of provided online maps can be downloaded for offline use (all except the red ones in the list). Downloaded maps are stored in Offline tab of the Map manager.
Other options for selecting download area emerge after tapping Show advanced options:
Keep in mind that all maps in Locus Map consist of square tiles of 256px or 512px per side. All downloads work with whole tiles so it is not possible to download precisely round or curved maps - all are composed of square pieces of the map.
Your download area has been defined, the next step is to choose which zooms to download. The zoom selection screen consists of the following parts:
The Advanced options menu offers accurate calculation of the final amount of map tiles which is especially useful when downloading paid commercial maps. Then there is an option to set the download type:
This method works only with maps that:
Overwrite - define how old tiles should be rewritten in case you download cached or supplementary maps. Set “0” if you want to re-load all map tiles.
In case you download a paid map Locus Map displays another dialog. It summarizes your LoCoin credit, the final price of the downloaded map, the number of tiles in the packet, and the price of 100 tiles. If you have enough credit for the purchase there is no other obstruction to begin downloading.
A downloading progress info box emerges after the download is launched. Besides useful information, it offers to abort the downloading process (and lose all already downloaded data without the possibility to restore the process) or pause it - then the already downloaded data is saved and the process can be renewed from the main download dialog box.
When the download is complete Locus Map automatically switches on the Maps manager offline tab where you can verify the map has been downloaded correctly.
The free map providers define daily download limits. Each provider has a different limit. If you add a custom online map to Locus, we limit the download to 10000 map tiles per day in order to protect the map provider's server from overloading.
Some online maps can't be downloaded, i.e. saved as a map file forever, but can be cached, i.e. stored into temporary memory. Temporary means that the cached map has time-limited availability for offline usage.
A typical case is an online LoMap which can be cached for 90 days and the base Satellite map which can be stored in the cache for up to one year. The cache timeout of each online map is displayed in its description:
And that's it. When you activate the cached online map when you are offline it will display the same way as it is downloaded.