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Import is used when you want to work with points from outside of Locus - websites, apps, add-ons etc. Either you choose the data yourselves or Locus Map receives them.
There are a few ways:
Locus file browser opens the last used memory drive. Importable files are in full color and are clickable (more about supported formats see below). Long-press one file to display the multi-select option. It is possible to import more files at once:
You can sort the files by name, size and creation date:
Other available drives can be selected by tapping the entry button in the file path:
Android 11+
Since Android 11 Locus Map is not permitted to access the whole internal storage. Therefore there are two other options:
After selecting the file or receiving it from some external application or add-on Locus Map analyses it and modifies the import dialog according to the content - the dialog can process points or tracks or both of them at once.
Appears when the imported file contains just points:
Locus Map is able to import the following file formats:
Supported both for Import and Export
Keyhole Markup Language is an XML-based plain text format with a really wide range of usage. Since version 2.2 KML format is standardized by OGC so it is used by many web/desktop/mobile applications as well as by Locus Map.
Supported both for Import and Export
GPS eXchange format is an XML-based text format used for handling points, tracks, and routes. Locus fully supports all valid tags. A more detailed description of the GPX format is available on this Wikipedia page.
OpenAir is a special format used by aircraft pilots and navigators for defining air spaces and areas.
Location file format is free but a little bit limited format for importing POIs or waypoints
TomTom format for POI database.
Sygic format for POI database.