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The content panel controls what is displayed on the main screen:
…is opened by tapping the selected map title:
It offers maps in two sections:
Vector maps like LoMaps or OAM maps can be usually switched into various themes. If the active map contains themes, this button opens the theme selection options:
With this you can select internal or external themes for the map:
This switch opens the LoMap legend.
Each theme contains a selection of layers that can be displayed or hidden. This button opens the selection.
Locus provides several types of map (or terrain) shading for a better understanding of the terrain relief.
Here you can set up another map to lay over the current one.
Here you can see the number of your active (visible on the map) | inactive (hidden) user tracks, routes and points. By tapping the broom button you deactivate (hide) all of them from the map:
If you want to hide the displayed tracks or points temporarily, long-press the “sweep” button. Its icon changes and when you re-tap it, your previously hidden content appears back on the map.
activates or deactivates online LoPoints above the map.
Tapping the button title opens LoPoints search.
activates or deactivates LoPoints available offline as a part of downloaded LoMaps.
Tapping the button title opens the browser of offline LoPoints.
By tapping this option you open a panel with points located nearest to the map screen cursor:
They are sorted by the distance from the cursor location. You can filter the nearest points by several categories:
Locus Map can display your geotagged photos above the map:
The quickest way how to display geocaches on the map - with a streamed layer:
The geocaches' icons can be tapped to open the detail without the need to download the cache. The first launch requires to log in to the Geocaching.com website.
With OSM notes you can notify the OSM community about map errors.
Locus Map can display autonomous geodata files above the map - map items. Here you can manage which files are active, i.e. visible on the map, and you can set their opacity:
Tapping the option opens a selection of available grids:
Tap to display the grid of coordinates. This is default latitude/longitude:
Centered 1 km grid:
Some features on the panel can be hidden and some can be added. Tapping the button at the topbar opens a selection of available features:
Checked features are displayed in the panel, unchecked are not. You can add also shortcuts to some screen settings.
How to quickly get back to just the map?
However, there are still some features hanging around on the map that you’ve added using the graphical geocaching tools, or caches that streamed in while using the live map… These are all reliably removed by the Temporary map items button with the trashcan symbol. It’s not in the default panel menu, but if you frequently work with the live map or various cachers’ tidbits, activate it in the customization menu.