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Locus Map uses the SQLite database system for storing data. This database is supported by all Android devices so it is easy for developers to use the SQLite database in their applications.
At many places you may read how safe and convenient the SQLite system on Android is. The reality is somewhat different.
In the following paragraph the most common errors you may encounter in Locus are described, as well as the methods of fixing them. These methods are based on the experiences of our users so if you have any other, share them with us, please.
Generally speaking, when you get any error with Locus database, it is wrong. For this reason there is the Backup function from the 2.8.0 version. The Backup function allows regular updates (on background, when you are not using Locus) of all your data in Locus.
There is no guaranteed method of repairing corrupted database.
Actually, there are three methods that you can try:
1. Some errors may be caused by reading or recording on your SD card. Violation of the card may result in database locking, for example. In most cases simple restart of your phone helps. Then it is highly recommended to check your SD card.
2. The second method - database restoration from the automatic backup. All backup files are stored in Locus/backup directory (or in “auto” directory intended for automatic backups). This backup is a simple zip file.
3. If all previous fail, try this:
4. The last method (advanced) is described here >>