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Settings & Locus account


So far, the web planner provides only the setting of units. The units are set automatically to the metric system so if you need to change it click the settings button in the top right corner of the map screen:

Click Save after the change to take the effect.

Locus account

When you are logged in your Locus account name appears in the top right corner. Clicking it opens details (full name, address, Premium status) and options to edit the account and log out:

Account management

This section is the same as in the app's Manage account. Here you can change your

  • Personal info - account name, gender, year of birth, country and language
  • Profile picture - the picture is shown to the people visiting your public photo gallery
  • Change password - available only when you are logged in via email/password. Not available for Google and Facebook logins.
  • Redeem voucher - here you can insert and activate a Premium or LoCoins voucher
  • Delete account - after selecting this option, the process of deleting your Locus account and all associated data is started

Account deletion

As this process is very complex and engages several services, it can take a few workdays to complete.

manual/user_guide/webplanner/settings.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/14 16:23 by mstupka