Table of Contents

Points & Tracks

Menu > Settings > Maps > Points & Tracks


Tap on point

Sets default action after tapping a point on the map:

Points popup content

Available only with Premium

Sets the behavior and content of the point information window.

Basic setting:

Basic setting also switches altitude value display on/off.

Available context menu items:

Geocaching items:

New point default location

When creating a new user point on map, use one of following default methods of location:

Map icons size

Sets size of icons on the map from 50 to 300% of a normal size.


Tap on track

Sets default action after tapping a track:

Track pop-up content

Available only with Premium

Sets a label at a track starting point:

And available items in the track popup window - trackpoint No., display on chart, track detail, edit, edit on map, navigation/guidance, hide and delete

Track icons

Defines start/stop icons of visible tracks:

Track color and transparency

Basic setting of color and transparency of all tracks and routes globally for the whole app. There are two color selection modes - basic and advanced.

Track width

Basic setting of width of all tracks and routes in pixels globally for the whole app.