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Quick WWW Bookmark

  • This feature is available in Locus Map Pro only.


Feature enabling to bookmark a parameter URL of any map website that can transfer you to Locus Map defined location by a single button tap e.g. for downloading tips for trips. The function can be found in the Menu > More functions at the bottom.

As there are many map websites or servers and each of them uses different structure of their parametrized URL, there is not a single universal instruction how to set up this function. For better understanding what this function is about, we will present a demo setup made on a well known track database


  1. have a look at the structure of the website URL that leads to the map display. It consists of the main domain name, language parameter, zoom parameter, latitude, longitude, map type parameter and the rest:

  2. go to Locus Map > Menu > More functions > Quick WWW bookmark and tap button to define a new bookmark

  3. insert the name and compose the URL template according to the website URL, using ADD TAG button for the variables:

    the final setup will be like this:

    The URL syntax must be preserved or the feature will not work!
  4. Confirm
  5. adjust the map in Locus Map at your desired location

  6. tap Quick WWW Bookmark in Menu > More functions and select the Bikemap bookmark

  7. a web browser window opens with positioned at your location:

Pre-set bookmarks

Quick WWW bookmark feature contains a few pre-set bookmarks. They can be activated this way:

  • tap button to add a new bookmark
  • tap in the topbar of the dialog
  • select bookmark (edit its icon or name if needed) and add it
manual/user_guide/functions/quick_bookmark.1456495825.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/02/26 16:10 (external edit)