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Tracks export


What is export for?

Tracks and routes are exported to another mobile, to a desktop application or web service for further processing - displaying in a different environment, background, for editing etc. There are several ways how to launch track/route export:

  • single track/route export - Tracks manager > folder > track detail window > edit tool menu > export
  • group of tracks export - Track manager > folder > tools button > check tracks to export > export
  • tracks folder export - Track manager > folder > action menu > export

Tracks export dialog

  • Export type - indicates selected format of exported file or external service into which the track is exported. Tap to change the export format or select a web service (Strava, Runkeeper, GPSies…).
  • Export name - date/time stamp of creating the track is default. It can be rewritten. *
  • Export path - defines the path where the exported file will be saved. Either it is pre-set or it is possible to change it. You can select among local memory, Dropbox or Google Drive (both apps must be installed first).
  • Parameters - change according to selected export format

Supported export formats

  • GPX - GPS eXchange format is an XML based text format used for handling points, single tracks, multiple tracks and routes. Locus fully supports all valid tags. More detailed description of GPX format is available on this Wikipedia page.
    • Export only visible - the checkbox is active only when exporting a whole folder with tracks. Checking it exports only tracks actually visible on the map
    • Share exported data - enables to share the export file in Dropbox or other service available in your device
    • Insert a formatted description - creates a HTML table with the file description - it is not recommended if re-import or further GPX editing is planned
    • Export as route - TRK tags in the file will be replaced by RTE tags so that the file can be used as route for navigation
    • GPX version - optional setting for experienced GPS device users
  • KML/KMZ - Keyhole Markup Language is XML based plain text format with really wide range of usage. Since the version 2.2 KML format is standardized by OGC so it is used by many web/desktop/mobile applications as well as Locus Map. It is usable for export of both points and tracks including multiple tracks.
    • parameters identical to GPX export except the option to turn tracks into routes, plus following:
    • Include icons and attachments - enables packing data into one KMZ file - icons, photos etc.
  • TCX - Training Center XML is a data exchange format introduced as part of Garmin's Training Center product. The XML is similar to GPX since it exports GPS tracks, but treats a track as an Activity rather than simply a series of GPS points. TCX provides standards for transferring heart rate, running cadence, bicycle cadence, calories in the detailed track. It also provides summary data in the form of laps. Format does not support multiple tracks export. Locus provides two export modes - as Activity (suitable for uploading at Garmin Connect website and as Course (just basic info about the track). The exported file can be shared directly.
  • CSV - (Comma Separated Values) is a common, universal and relatively simple file format that is widely supported by many applications. Usable for export of both points and single tracks. The only parameter is Share option.
  • DXF - (Drawing eXchange Format) - comes from CAD software. Usable for export of points, tracks and multiple tracks. Except of already mentioned parameters it enables to:
    • Real (3D) altitude - moves exported tracks into real height above the sea level and displays them in 3D

Supported online services

All supported online services need their designated user login and password!

  • GPSies - is a website which lets you find and download tracks for walking, running, hiking, cycling etc. You can search for tracks by category, view the altitude profiles and download the tracks in a variety of formats.
    • Export parameters:
      • Track privacy - sets public/private track viewing
      • Activity - offers wide selection of track activities<html><br><br></html>
  • Breadcrumbs - Free online GPS track management software to visualize (in 3D), organize, edit and share your GPS tracks and associated photos/videos.
    • Export parameters:
      • Privacy - sets public/private track viewing
      • Bundle
      • Activity<html><br><br></html>
  • Ride With GPS - complete software solution for cyclists. Send the GPX file to from the email address associated with your account and it will be processed automatically.<html><br><br></html>
  • Runkeeper - one of the most used web/mobile sporttrackers. More than 30 million people around the world use RunKeeper to power their active lives. It tracks your workouts and gives the motivation you need to hit your fitness goals.
    • Export parameters:
      • Activity - wide selection of track activities
      • Post to Facebook - renders a post to user's Facebook about exported track
      • Post to Twitter - renders a post to user's Twitter about exported track
      • Automatically detect and insert pause points - surveys the track for spots with zero speed, marks them and subtracts them from total track time<html><br><br></html>
  • Strava - another sporttracker/social network. Strava lets you track your rides and runs via your iPhone, Android or dedicated GPS device, helps you analyze and quantify your performance and offers comparison and competition with other members.
    • Export parameters:
      • Activity - selection of activities
      • Privacy - public/private
      • Preserve measured altitude - otherwise offers 3D model altitude (less accurate)
      • Commuting - checking no-sports activity for excluding from training statistics

  • Velo Hero - a free and vendor independent training log and performance analysis software, that gives competitive cyclists the motivation and support to achieve their athletic goals. Runners and triathletes are welcome, too.
    • Activity - selects activity on your track<html><br><br></html>
  • - German free and vendor-neutral training platform that gives you the motivation and support to achieve your athletic goals! Over 45,000 athletes already manage over 2.5 million sessions at and it is growing every day.<html><br><br></html>
  • OpenStreetMap - export of tracks into this service serves the purpose of updating OS maps. Public visibility of tracks can be configured in 4 options:
    • identifiable - other users will be able to download the track and identify it with your username
    • public - other users will be able to download the track without identification
    • trackable - track will not show up in any public listings but its trackpoints will be available through the public GPS API with timestamps
    • private - track will not show up in any public listings but its trackpoints will be available through the public GPS API without timestamps<html><br><br></html>
  • Every Trail - EveryTrail is the best way to share trips, connect with other travelers and find great new things to do
    • Privacy - public/private

Export settings

  • Menu > Settings > Miscellaneous > Data export

Overwrite data

Allows overwriting already exported data files (points or tracks).

manual/user_guide/tracks/export.1513869133.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/12/21 17:12 (external edit)