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LoPoints are dynamic points of interest that you can display above the map. Each LoPoint marks the location and category of a particular place and contains additional information - e.g. opening hours, WWW, phone number, and other attributes. They are based on OpenStreetMap and Wikipedia from which they take descriptions and photos.

Locus Map users can add their own photos to LoPoints to make them more attractive and up-to-date.

LoPoint detail

When you tap a LoPoint on the map, its detail panel pops up. It displays the distance from your location, its elevation and a lot of information important for tourists including Wikipedia or user photos:

Another swipe-up reveals the whole information tab:

User photos

Photos are the greatest means of inspiration for other hikers, cyclists and other travelers to discover interesting places on the map. The most known objects are often accompanied by Wikipedia photos but the others can be equipped with snaps from Locus users. You can add your own pics but you can also browse and rate photos of others.


If you decide to inspire through your photos, you can do so this way:

  • tap LoPoint on the map and a panel with details will pop up
  • tap the camera button:
  • select the option to either take the photo now or choose a photo from the gallery that is already taken:
  • after confirming the photo or gallery selection you can add more snaps if you have them
  • close the dialog, the photos will start uploading in the background and you can continue to use the app normally

This can also be done offline. The photos are kept in temporary memory and uploaded when you get online.

All photos are checked by the Locus team before attaching them to LoPoints. It takes up to two workdays.

We recommend you follow the best practices for adding your photos >>

Browsing and rating

When you come across a LoPoint photo you like and you want to see more from the same photographer you can visit his/her personal gallery:

  • tap a photo to see it in detail:
  • tap the author's name:
  • the gallery opens.
  • you can see the numbers of views and ratings, and you can also sort the photos:
  • if you like some of the photos you can rate them too (you have to be logged in to your Locus account):
manual/ios/lopoints.1716474722.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/05/23 16:32 by mstupka