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Location Selector is a very important part of Locus Map. Over 20 activities link to it to define locations of points, map centers, search spots and so on. It is always triggered in a particular situation by button.
The button usually follows a field with coordinates of a particular point (POI, trackpoint, etc.). The field can be empty or pre-filled depending on the situation.
This dialog is useful when you know exact coordinates or if you need to convert coordinates from one system to another.
When converting, select source coordinate system, enter coordinates, and select output system, Locus Map re-calculates coordinates.
Locus Map supports a wide range of the World coordinate systems:
For more advanced users like surveyors and others, Locus Map allows to use custom coordinate systems for coordinate transformations.
The grid can be modified - icons can be long-tapped and dragged to change position or removed, and a new customized location point can be added, see Location Selector Setup below.
The tab contains the last used locations. The locations are listed according to time of use, the newest is at the top.
The red “garbage can” button erases the list.
Location Selector can be customized according to your needs.
Select Custom location from the Source of location dialog. This way it is possible to define a new button in the grid for a comfortable and fast custom location: