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My Library

Work in progress…

All your user data - tracks, routes, and points - are managed in the Library. It can be accessed from:

  • Main menu > My Library
  • for a quicker access you can add button to the Function panel at the bottom or right side of the screen

Main screen

  1. the topbar contains a number of displayed/all items, Search button, and a tool menu
  2. breadcrumb navigation
  3. a list of folders, tracks, routes and points
  4. add content button

Structure of folders

Your data is managed in a structure of folders and sub-folders. Tracks, routes and points can be mixed. Three levels of nested subfolders are available for free, with Premium, you can use up to six levels.

Folder line

Each folder line consists of an icon, a folder name, a number of subfolders, a number of items displayed/hidden on the map, and the eye button. Tapping it unfolds a list of subfolders and other content in the folder:

Eye button

It controls the visibility of the folder content on the map. You can display all or hide all. Plus, you can include or exclude subfolders.

Adding a new folder




Adding content

To search in your user data, tap in the topbar:

You can search points, tracks and routes in full-text, according to location and by folders. More at track search >> … … … …

Cloud sync

Available only with Premium Gold

To sync your tracks and routes manually with the cloud, tap the button in the topbar:

Your tracks and routes are then automatically synchronized (saved to and downloaded back) with your personal web library via Locus cloud service. This happens after every change of your data - when a track is recorded, route planned etc. More details here >>

It is necessary to perform the first synchronization with the cloud manually. This way your personal web database is created.

manual/user_guide/my_library.1741273899.txt.gz · Last modified: 2025/03/06 16:11 by mstupka