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How do I control Locus Map?

For the quickest reference, see our onboarding video:

The main screen

What do you see when you start the app for the first time? After quick initialization the main screen appears:

Map control

  • you can move the map by simple touching and dragging
  • zoom it in/out by pinching . If you prefer single hand control, you can double-tap and drag the map to zoom it. If you prefer using zooming buttons, activate them in Locus settings > Display > Panels&buttons.
  • to place your GPS location in the middle, tap the centering button:

    To maintain your location fixed in the middle, tap and hold the centering button until the confirmation appears:

    When you shift the map your position gets back to the center after 5 seconds.
  • to rotate the map according to your heading or by compass, tap the centering button twice:

The main menu

More details about the main screen and app controlling >>

manual/basics/locuscontrol.1683277113.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/05/05 10:58 by mstupka